
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
'use strict';

 * Generic component that loads component descriptions and their
 *  implementations.
 * The strategy for finding these artifacts is straighforward. We configure a
 *  sequence of `module` objects, and we keep on calling the method
 * `require` in each of them until one returns it.
 * If none succeeds, we default to the standard `require` that throws an
 * exception if not found.
 * How to obtain `module` objects? Packages export them in a static method,
 * for example:
 *       exports.getModule = function() {
 *           return module;
 *       }
 * The goal is to allow the application to override anything, but at the same
 * time provide sensible defaults. These defaults may be hidden in the
 * directories of other packages, and packages should export their own `module`
 * to make them accessable.
 * A package can export many resources using the `#` qualifier. For example,
 * `caf_components#async` first resolves `caf_components` as above, and then
 * reads the property `async` on the resolved object.
 * @module caf_components/gen_loader
 * @augments module:caf_components/gen_component
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const path = require('path');
const genComponent = require('./gen_component');
const myUtils = require('./myUtils');
const templateUtils = require('./templateUtils');
const async = require('async');
const LOG_BEFORE_LOGGER = false; // To see errors before the logger component

 * Helper constructor method for a loader component.
 * Description of types in file `types.js`.
 * @param {ctxType=} $ A context containing references to other components.
 * @param {specType=} spec Configuration data for this component.
 * @return {Object} A new generic component.
 * @throws {Error} If inputs are invalid.
exports.create = function($, spec) {

    $ = $ || {_: {$: {} }};
    spec = spec || {name: 'loader', module: 'defaultLoader', env: {}};

    const that = genComponent.create($, spec);

    var modules = [];

    var cachedResources = {};

    const moduleIndex = {}; // Successfully loaded artefacts (name->module)

    var staticArtifacts = {}; // Bypass `require` for these artifacts

     *  Loads a description or component implementation using a sequence of
     *  `module` resolvers.
     *  @param {string} artifact The name of the description or component
     *  implementation as it would be used in a node.js `require` call.
     * @return {Object} A description or loaded module.
     * @throws {Error} When it cannot found the artifact anywhere.
    const load = function(artifact) {
        let result = staticArtifacts[artifact];
        !result && modules.some(function(mod) {
            try {
                result = mod.require(artifact);
                moduleIndex[artifact] = mod;
                return true;
            } catch (err) {
                const errMsg = "Loader: can't load " + artifact +
                    ' with ' + +
                    ' error: ' + err.message;//myUtils.errToPrettyStr(err)
                if ($._.$.log) {
                } else {
                    // to display description errors before logger
                    /* eslint-disable */
                    LOG_BEFORE_LOGGER && console.log(errMsg);
                    /* eslint-enable */
                return false;

        if (!result) {
            try {
                result = require(artifact);
                moduleIndex[artifact] = module;
            } catch (err) {
                const errMsg = "Loader: can't load " + artifact +
                    ' error: ' + err.message;
                if ($._.$.log) {
                } else {
                    // to display description errors before logger
                    /* eslint-disable */
                    LOG_BEFORE_LOGGER && console.log(errMsg);
                    /* eslint-enable */

                throw (err); // propagate error...

        const msg = 'Loader: load OK ' + artifact;
        if ($._.$.log) {
        } else {
            /* eslint-disable */
            LOG_BEFORE_LOGGER && console.log(msg);
            /* eslint-enable */

        return result;

     * Returns the file path of the top level module.
     * In a typical CAF application this path shows where the
     * `ca_methods.js` has been defined, e.g., `<app_dir>/lib`.
     * @return {string} The file path of the top level module.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_firstModulePath__
    that.__ca_firstModulePath__ = function() {
        return path.resolve(modules[0].paths[0], '..');

     * Register the logger component.
     * The loader is typically the first component that is loaded, i.e., before
     * the logger, but we want the loader to log error messages. Therefore, a
     * explicit late registration is needed.
     * It can only set once for security reasons.
     * @param {Object} logger A logger component.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_registerLogger__
    that.__ca_registerLogger__ = function(logger) {
        if (!$._.$.log) {
            $._.$.log = logger;

     * Sets a list of `module` resolvers that should be used in sequence to
     * `require` descriptions and implementations.
     * @param {Array.<Object>} modulesArray A sequence of `module` objects
     *  to `require` descriptions and implementations.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_setModules__
    that.__ca_setModules__ = function(modulesArray) {
        modules = myUtils.clone(modulesArray);
        cachedResources = {};

     * Maps names to modules for successfully loaded artifacts.
     * @return {Object<string,Object>} A mapping from artifact names to modules.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_getModuleIndex__
    that.__ca_getModuleIndex__ = function() {
        return myUtils.clone(moduleIndex);

     * Sets static values for a given set of artifacts.
     * The goal is to avoid calling `require`, enabling tools like `browserify`
     * that cannot dynamically load resources.
     * @param {Object<string, Object>} staticArtif Static values for a set of
     * artifacts.
     * @return {Object<string, Object>} The previous static values.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_setStaticArtifacts__
    that.__ca_setStaticArtifacts__ = function(staticArtif) {
        const old = staticArtifacts;
        staticArtifacts = myUtils.clone(staticArtif);
        return old;

     * Loads a resource that could be loaded with `require`, e.g., a JSON
     * description or a class module.
     * It keeps an internal cache of resources that clears when the
     * `module` list changes. See `__ca_setModules__ `.
     * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource to load.
     * @return {Object} A loaded resource.
     * @throws {Error} When it cannot find the resource
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_loadResource__
    that.__ca_loadResource__ = function(resourceName) {
        var result = cachedResources[resourceName];
        if (!result) {
            result = load(resourceName);
            cachedResources[resourceName] = result;
        return result;

     * Loads a JSON component description.
     * If needed, it also resolves the description by applying
     * templates, following links, reading environment properties, and
     * passing `spec` optional  arguments.
     * @param {string} fileName A file name with a '.json' extension.
     * @param {boolean} resolve True if a fully resolved description is
     *  needed.
     * @param {specDeltaType=} spec An optional description to be merged-in with
     * the result.
     * @return {Object} A parsed component description.
     * @throws {Error} If it cannot find the description or parsing error.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_loadDescription__
    that.__ca_loadDescription__ = function(fileName, resolve, spec) {
        if ((fileName.indexOf('.') !== 0) &&
            (fileName.indexOf('/') !== 0)) {
            fileName = './' + fileName;
        if (fileName.indexOf('.json') !== (fileName.length - 5)) {
            const err = new Error("Loader:Description does not end in '.json'");
            err['fileName'] = fileName;
            throw err;

        if (resolve) {
            // ignore the ++ suffix
            if (fileName.indexOf('++.json') === (fileName.length - 7)) {
                fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 7) + '.json';
             * 'require()' only caches modules not 'json' descriptions. To be
             * consistent, and avoid blocking, we also cache descriptions.
             * Otherwise, changing both descriptions and code will lead to
             * unpredictable results.
             * This means no hot re-deploy, instead, just restart the process...
            const base = that.__ca_loadResource__(fileName);
            var delta = null;
            try {
                fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 5) +
                delta = that.__ca_loadResource__(fileName);
            } catch (errDelta) {
                $._.$.log &&
                    $._.$.log.debug('WARNING: loadDescription:No delta file:' +
                                    fileName + ': ' + errDelta.message);
            // 1. Merge template.
            let result = templateUtils.merge(base, delta, false); //clone base

            // 2. Merge input spec.
            if (spec) {
                result = templateUtils.merge(result, spec, true);
            // 3. Resolve process.env

            // 4. Resolve links to top env.

            return result;
        } else {
            return that.__ca_loadResource__(fileName);


     * Loads, initializes, and registers a new component.
     * It uses a convention for `compSpec.module` of the form
     * `module_name#method1#method2` that resolves to the following constructor
     * `require("module_name").method1.method2.newInstance()`
     * @param{Object} comp$ A context to register the component using name
     * ``.
     * @param {specType} compSpec A description of the component.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to return the component or an error.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_loader#
     * @alias __ca_loadComponent__
    that.__ca_loadComponent__ = function(comp$, compSpec, cb) {
        try {
            const name = compSpec.module.split('#');
            let comp = load(name.shift());
            while (name.length > 0) {
                const method = name.shift();
                comp = comp[method];
            if (!comp || (typeof comp.newInstance !== 'function')) {
                const error = new Error('Cannot load component');
                error['module'] = compSpec.module;
                error['spec'] = compSpec;
                throw error;
            var result = null;
                function(cb1) {
                    const logF = function(err, val) {
                        $._.$.log &&
                            $._.$.log.trace('Ignoring call >1 err: ' +
                                            myUtils.errToPrettyStr(err) +
                                            ' data: ' + val);
                    const cbOnce = myUtils.callJustOnce(logF, cb1);
                    const p = comp.newInstance(comp$, compSpec, cbOnce);
                    myUtils.promiseToCallback(p, cbOnce);
                function(res, cb1) {
                    result = res;
                    const f = myUtils.wrapAsyncFunction(
                        res.__ca_checkup__, res
                    f(null, cb1);
            ], function(err) {
                if (err) {
                } else {
                    comp$[] = result;
                    cb(err, result);
        } catch (err) {

    return that;