
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
 Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';

 * Top-level supervisor of a hierarchy of components.
 * Configuration properties:
 *     {interval: number, dieDelay: number, maxHangRetries: number}
 * where:
 *  - `interval`: time between health checks in milliseconds.
 *  - `dieDelay`: extra time in milliseconds before the process exits. A
 * negative value disables process exit, i.e., enables a debugging mode.
 *  - `maxHangRetries`: number of times the health check can hang before
 * exiting with an error. A hang check is the one that does not complete
 * before the next check.
 * @module caf_components/gen_supervisor
 * @augments module:caf_components/gen_container
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const genContainer = require('./gen_container');
const genCron = require('./gen_cron');
const myUtils = require('./myUtils');
const assert = require('assert');
const async = require('async');

 * Helper constructor method for a supervisor component.
 * Description of types in file `types.js`.
 * @param {ctxType} $ A context containing references to other components.
 * @param {specType} spec Configuration data for this component.
 * @return {Object} A new generic component.
 * @throws {Error} If inputs are invalid.
exports.create = function($, spec) {
    assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.interval), 'number',
                 "'spec.env.interval' is not a number");
    const cronSpec = {
        name: + '_cron__',
        module: './gen_cron',
        env: {interval: spec.env.interval}
    const cron = genCron.create(null, cronSpec);

    assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.dieDelay), 'number',
                 "'spec.env.dieDelay' is not a number");
    const dieDelay = spec.env.dieDelay;

    assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.maxHangRetries), 'number',
                 "'spec.env.maxHangRetries' is not a number");
    const maxHangRetries = spec.env.maxHangRetries;

    const that = genContainer.create($, spec);

    const die = function(msg, cb) {
        const debugError = new Error('Dying');
        debugError['msg'] = msg;
        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.fatal('Platform Dying: ' +
        if (dieDelay >=0) {
            // leave enough time for console.log and shutdown
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, dieDelay);
        that.__ca_shutdown__(null, function(err) {
            const error = new Error(msg);
            if (err) {
                error['shutdownError'] = err;

     * Starts the supervisor.
     * This supervisor can be started in two modes:
     * 1. Synchronous: A callback `cb` is provided. An initial checkup
     * guarantees that the whole hierarchy is active before `cb` is called.
     * Initialization errors are propated in the callback, and handled by the
     * caller. After a successful initialization, the optional `notifyF`
     * callback will be used for later checkups.
     * 2. Lazy: No `cb` callback. Internal components are lazily instantiated
     * by the periodic checkups. If the optional `notifyF` is present, it is
     * used to inform of errors or progress for each checkup.
     * @param {cbType=} notifyF An optional callback to inform of the status
     * of each health check.
     * @param {cbType=} cb An optional callback to switch to synchronous mode.
     * It is invoked once after the first initialization attempt.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_supervisor#
     * @alias __ca_start__
    that.__ca_start__ = function(notifyF, cb) {
        var pending = false;
        var numRetries = 0;
        const f = function(cb1) {
            const data = {};
                function(cb0) {
                    if (pending) {
                        if (numRetries <= maxHangRetries) {
                            const err = new Error('Hang, retrying');
                            err['checkingForHang'] = true;
                        } else {
                            die('Hang in checkup', cb0);
                    } else {
                        pending = true;
                        that.__ca_checkup__(data, cb0);
            ], function (err, res) {
                const resOne = Array.isArray(res) ? res[0] : res;
                if (err && err['checkingForHang']) {
                    $._.$.log &&
                        $._.$.log.trace('Checking hang:' +
                } else {
                    numRetries = 0;
                    pending = false;
                if (cb1) {
                    cb1(err, resOne);
                } else if (notifyF) {
                    notifyF(err, resOne);
        if (cb) {
            f(function(err, data) {
                if (!err) {
                cb(err, data);
        } else {

     * Stops the periodic execution of health checks.
     * Shutting down a supervisor always stops checks.
     * @memberof! module:caf_components/gen_supervisor#
     * @alias __ca_stop__
    that.__ca_stop__ = function() {

    const super__ca_checkup__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_checkup__');
    that.__ca_checkup__ = myUtils.condPromisify(function(data, cb) {
        super__ca_checkup__(data, function(err, res) {
            if (err) {
                die('Unrecoverable checkup:' +
                    myUtils.errToPrettyStr(err), cb);
            } else {
                cb(err, res);

    const super__ca_shutdown__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_shutdown__');
    that.__ca_shutdown__ = myUtils.condPromisify(function(data, cb) {
        const cb1 = function(err) {
            if (err) {
                die('Error shutting down cron' +
                    myUtils.errToPrettyStr(err), cb);
            } else {
                $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Shutting down supervisor ' +
                super__ca_shutdown__(data, cb);
        that.__ca_isShutdown__ = true; // block checkup() creating children
        const f = myUtils.wrapAsyncFunction(cron.__ca_shutdown__, cron);
        f(data, cb1);

    return that;