
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
 Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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'use strict';

 *  Proxy that allows a CA to call an external app.
 * @module caf_crossapp/proxy_crossapp
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_proxy
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const genProxy = caf_comp.gen_proxy;

exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {
    try {
        const that = genProxy.create($, spec);

         * Calls in a non-transactional way a CA method of an external
         * application.
         * There is no checkpointing for this action, and this call may never
         * be executed if, e.g., the server fails.
         * Using `await` on the returned promise we can stop processing new
         * messages for this CA until the response arrives.
         * @param {string} fqn A fully qualified CA name for the target, e.g.,
         * `root-helloworld#antonio-x1`.
         * @param {string=} from A client CA name for the request, e.g.,
         * `antonio-x2`. When missing, the name of the target CA in `fqn` is
         * used.
         * @param {string} method The CA's method to invoke.
         * @param {Array.<jsonType>} args Arguments for the method invocation.
         * When the method requires fewer arguments, the extra arguments are
         * ignored (if the `strictArgs` option is false).
         * @param {string=} tokenStr An optional serialized token for the
         * request that authenticates the client described in `from`.
         * @param {number=} maxRetries Number of retries before giving up.
         * The default is to retry forever.
         * @return {Promise<Array.<Object>>}  A promise that we can `await` to
         * block further message processing. This array is a tuple using the
         * standard  `[Error, jsonType]` CAF.js convention. The `Error` has
         * a boolean field `isSystemError` set to `true` when the session was
         * closed with an error, and `false` when it was an application error.
         * @throws {Error} When arguments are invalid.
         * @memberof! module:caf_crossapp/proxy_crossapp#
         * @alias dirtyCall
        that.dirtyCall = function(fqn, from, method, args, tokenStr,
                                  maxRetries) {
            return $._.dirtyCall(fqn, from, method, args, tokenStr, maxRetries);

         * Calls in a transactional way a CA method of an external
         * application.
         * The action is checkpointed first, executing at least once. Calls do
         * not block message processing for this CA, and responses can be
         * arbitrarily interleaved with new requests.
         * @param {string} fqn A fully qualified CA name for the target, e.g.,
         * `root-helloworld#antonio-x1`.
         * @param {string=} from A client CA name for the request, e.g.,
         * `antonio-x2`. When missing, the name of the target CA in `fqn` is
         * used.
         * @param {string} method The CA's method to invoke.
         * @param {Array.<jsonType>} args Arguments for the method invocation.
         * When the method requires fewer arguments, the extra arguments are
         * ignored (if the `strictArgs` option is false).
         * @param {string=} tokenStr An optional serialized token for the
         * request that authenticates the client described in `from`.
         * @param {number=} maxRetries Number of retries before giving up.
         * The default is to retry forever.
         * @return {string} A unique identifier to match
         * replies for this request.
         * @throws {Error} When arguments are invalid.
         * @memberof! module:caf_crossapp/proxy_crossapp#
         * @alias call
         */ = function(fqn, from, method, args, tokenStr, maxRetries) {
            return $, from, method, args, tokenStr, maxRetries);

         * Checks whether an app is running.
         * The check is non-transactional and blocks the processing of the
         * current message by using `await` on the returned promise.
         * @param {string} app An app name, e.g., `root-helloworld`.
         * @return {Promise<boolean>}  A promise that resolves to `true` if
         * the app is running, `false` otherwise.
         * @memberof! module:caf_crossapp/proxy_crossapp#
         * @alias dirtyIsAppRunning
        that.dirtyIsAppRunning = function(app) {
            return $._.dirtyIsAppRunning(app);

         * Sets the name of the method in this CA that will process
         * reply call messages.
         * To ignore replies, just set it to `null`.
         * The type of the method is `async function(requestId, response)`
         * where:
         *  *  `requestId`: is an unique identifier to match the request.
         *  *  `response` is a tuple using the standard  `[Error, jsonType]`
         * CAF.js convention. The `Error` has a boolean field `isSystemError`
         * set to `true` when the session was closed with an error, and `false`
         * when it was an application error.
         * @param {string| null} methodName The name of this CA's method that
         *  process replies.
         * @memberof! module:caf_crossapp/proxy_crossapp#
         * @alias setHandleReplyMethod
        that.setHandleReplyMethod = function(methodName) {


        return [null, that];
    } catch (err) {
        return [err];