
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';

 * Proxy that enables a CA to deploy other applications.
 * @module caf_deploy/proxy_deploy
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_proxy
const caf_core = require('caf_core');
const caf_comp = caf_core.caf_components;
const genProxy = caf_comp.gen_proxy;

exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {
    try {
        const that = genProxy.create($, spec);

         * Sets the name of the method in this CA that will process reply
         *  messages.
         * To ignore replies, just set it to `null`.
         * The type of the method should be `async function(requestId, error,
         * data)`
         * where:
         *  *  `requestId`: is an unique identifier to match the request.
         *  *  `error`: a deployment error.
         *  *  `data`: a deployment response.
         * @param {string| null} methodName The name of this CA's method that
         *  process reply messages.
         * @memberof! module:caf_deploy/proxy_deploy#
         * @alias setHandleReplyMethod
        that.setHandleReplyMethod = function(methodName) {

         * Creates a new app.
         * @param {string} appLocalName A name for this app that will be
         * qualified by the owner of this CA, i.e., 'owner-appLocalName'.
         * @param {string} image A Docker image containing the app.
         * @param {boolean} isUntrusted  Whether it is not a core app, i.e.,
         * not trusted by the  system.
         * @param {string} plan The strategy for flexing resources.
         * @param {{cdnType|null} cdn An override for the image CDN settings.
         * @param {string|null} timestamp An optional tag to recover state from
         * a previous service instance.
         * @param {Object.<string, string>=} props An optional object with
         * application properties to set. Keys need to be valid bash variables,
         * i.e., alphanumeric or `_` only, and starting with a character.
         * @return {string} An id to identify this app instance.
         * @memberof! module:caf_deploy/proxy_deploy#
         * @alias createApp
        that.createApp = function(appLocalName, image, isUntrusted, plan,
                                  cdn, timestamp, props) {
            return $._.createApp(appLocalName, image, isUntrusted, plan, cdn,
                                 timestamp, props);

         * Deletes the deployed app.
         * @param {string} id An instance identifier.
         * @param {boolean} keepData Whether to keep the app state.
         * @return {string} A request identifier.
         * @memberof! module:caf_deploy/proxy_deploy#
         * @alias deleteApp
        that.deleteApp = function(id, keepData) {
            return $._.deleteApp(id, keepData);

         * Restarts the app, using a newer image if available.
         * @param {string} id An instance identifier.
         * @return {string} A request identifier.
         * @memberof! module:caf_deploy/proxy_deploy#
         * @alias restartApp
        that.restartApp = function(id) {
            return $._.restartApp(id);

         * Changes the docker image of an app.
         * @param {string} id An instance identifier.
         * @param {string} image The new image.
         * @return {string} A request identifier.
         * @memberof! module:caf_deploy/proxy_deploy#
         * @alias changeImage
        that.changeImage = function(id, image) {
            return $._.changeImage(id, image);

         * Changes the number of instances for this app.
         * @param {string} id An instance identifier.
         * @param {string} plan The strategy for flexing resources.
         * @param {number} numberOfCAs The number of active CAs.
         * @return {string} A request identifier.
         * @memberof! module:caf_deploy/proxy_deploy#
         * @alias flexApp
        that.flexApp = function(id, plan, numberOfCAs) {
            return $._.flexApp(id, plan, numberOfCAs);

         * Returns the most recent, locally-cached information about a
         * collection of apps.
         * @param {Array<string>} ids An array of app identifiers.
         * @return {Array.<statType>} Status info for these apps. `null` element
         * in the array means missing app.
         * @memberof! module:caf_deploy/proxy_deploy#
         * @alias statApps
        that.statApps = function(ids) {
            return $._.statApps(ids);

        return [null, that];
    } catch (err) {
        return [err];