
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';
 * Creates timed bundles of commands.
 * An example:
 *        var bundle = create({foo: ['name', 'val'], bar: ['myArg']}, 2000)
 *        bundle.foo(100, ['joe', 34]).bar(250, [43]).bar(100, [98]);
 *        bundle.__iot_freeze__((new Date()).getTime() + 1000)
 * It creates a bundle with three commands: 'foo', ' bar', and 'bar' again.
 * The first one executes after 100msec of bundle activation, the second 250
 * msec after the first command starts, and so on...
 * The number of arguments needed for each command are described in the
 * constructor by providing the argument names. The CAs `iot` plugin
 * introspects the `iot_methods.js` at run time to create that configuration.
 * The bundle will activate in 3 seconds (1 sec plus the 2 second margin), if
 * it arrives to the target before that time.
 * If we want to re-issue the bundle at a different time:
 *        const newBundle = bundle.__iot_clone__();
 *        newBundle.__iot_freeze__(NOW)
 * and now the bundle will start executing as soon as it arrives to the target.
 * @module caf_iot/bundles
const constants_iot = require('./constants_iot');
const assert = /**@ignore @type {typeof import('assert')} */(require('assert'));
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const myUtils = caf_comp.myUtils;

const NOW =
 * Force the bundle to execute as soon as it arrives to its destination.
 * @type {number}
 * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles
 * @alias NOW
exports.NOW = constants_iot.NOW;

const NOW_SAFE =
 * Force the bundle to execute as soon as it arrives to its destination unless
 * it is really old.
 * @type {number}
 * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles
 * @alias NOW_SAFE
exports.NOW_SAFE = constants_iot.NOW_SAFE;

 * Default extra time to allow bundle propagation.
 * @type {number}
 * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles
 * @alias MARGIN_IN_MSEC
exports.MARGIN_IN_MSEC = 2000;

 * Creates a 'vanilla' object representation of a bundle.
 * The type `bundleType` is:
 *          {start: number, commands: Array.<commandType>}
 * and `commandType`:
 *          {after: mumber, method: string, args: Array.<jsonType>}
 * @param {bundleObjectType} bundle A bundle to transform.
 * @return {bundleType} A 'vanilla' object representation of the bundle.
 * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles
 * @alias toObject
exports.toObject = function(bundle) {
    return JSON.parse(bundle.__iot_serialize__());

 * Creates a bundle from a 'vanilla' object representation.
 * @param {bundleType} bundleVanilla A 'vanilla' object representation of the
 * bundle. See `toObject`.
 * @param {bundleDescriptionType=} methods Optional object with method
 *  names and arguments.
 * @param {number=} margin A safety time margin in msec added to the starting
 * time to allow bundle propagation. It defaults to `exports.MARGIN_IN_MSEC`.
 * @return {bundleObjectType} A patched bundle.
 * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles
 * @alias fromObject
exports.fromObject = function(bundleVanilla, methods, margin) {
    return create(methods, margin)

const create =
 * Constructor.
 * Create timed bundle of commands.
 *  The type `bundleDescriptionType` is:
 *         Object<string, Array.<string>>
 * where the key is the name of the command, and the value an array of strings
 * with the argument names of this command.
 * The command should be a method described in the `iot_methods.js` file.
 * @param {bundleDescriptionType=} methods Optional object with method
 *  names and arguments.
 * @param {number=} margin A safety time margin in msec added to the starting
 * time to allow bundle propagation. It defaults to `exports.MARGIN_IN_MSEC`
 * @return {bundleObjectType} A new bundle with no commands.
 * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles
 * @alias create
exports.create = function(methods, margin) {
    var commands = [];
    margin = ((typeof margin === 'number') ? margin : MARGIN_IN_MSEC);
    var start;
    methods = methods || {};
    var frozen = false;

    const that = {};

     * Parses a serialized string to initialize this bundle with commands.
     * @param {string} bundleString A serialized bundle.
     * @return {bundleObjectType} This bundle initialized with commands.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles#
     * @alias __iot_parse__
    that.__iot_parse__ = function(bundleString) {
        const all = JSON.parse(bundleString);
        assert(typeof all.start === 'number');
        start = all.start;
        commands = all.commands;
        return that;

     * Creates a string representation of a fully initialized bundle.
     * @return {string} A serialized bundle.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles#
     * @alias __iot_serialize__
    that.__iot_serialize__ = function() {
        assert(typeof start === 'number', 'Bundle start time not specified');
        return JSON.stringify({start: start, commands: commands});

     * Clones this bundle to allow further modifications after freezing.
     * @return {bundleObjectType} A cloned bundle.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles#
     * @alias __iot_clone__
    that.__iot_clone__ = function() {
        return create(myUtils.deepClone(methods), margin)

     * Fully initializes this bundle by setting the start
     * execution time explicitly, or based on current time.
     * After this method a bundle is frozen, and needs to be cloned before it
     * can be modified.
     * The starting time `newStart` could be:
     *  * `NOW`: whenever the bundle arrives to its target, it will start
     * executing right away.
     *  * `NOW_SAFE`: same as `NOW` but ignoring really old bundles.
     *  * `undefined`: use the current time plus the `margin` specified in the
     * factory method.
     *  * `number`: start time in msec since  1970/01/01 UTC plus the `margin`
     * as above. If negative assumed a preprocessed `NOW_SAFE` request.
     * @param {number=} newStart An optional starting time (see above).
     * @return {bundleObjectType} This bundle fully initialized.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/bundles#
     * @alias __iot_freeze__
    that.__iot_freeze__ = function(newStart) {
        if (frozen) {
            throw new Error('Bundle already frozen');
        if (newStart === NOW) {
            start = newStart;
        } else if (newStart === NOW_SAFE) {
            start = -((new Date()).getTime() +
        } else {
            start = typeof newStart === 'number' ?
                (newStart < 0 ? newStart : newStart + margin) :
                (new Date()).getTime() + margin;
        frozen = true;
        return that;

     * function signature is
     *    funtion(after: number, args: [jsonType])
     * where 'after' is the delay in msec from the previous command
     * and 'args' is and array with the method arguments
    Object.keys(methods).forEach(function(x) {
        that[x] = function() {
            if (frozen) {
                throw new Error('Bundle already frozen');
            const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
            const after = (typeof args[0] === 'number' ? args[0] : 0);
            const methodArgs = (Array.isArray(args[1]) ? args[1] : []);
            const expectedArgs = methods[x];
            if (methodArgs.length !== expectedArgs.length) {
                const err = new Error('Invalid number of arguments: expecting '
                                     + expectedArgs.length + ' got ' +
                err['expectedArgs'] = methods[x].slice(0);
                err['method'] = x;
                err['args'] = methodArgs.slice(0);
                throw err;
            commands.push({after: after, method: x, args: methodArgs});
            return that;

    return that;