
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
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'use strict';
 * Proxy that a CA uses to interact with an IoT device.
 * @module caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_proxy
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class

const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const genProxy = caf_comp.gen_proxy;
const constants_iot = require('../constants_iot');

exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {

    const that = genProxy.create($, spec);

     * Force the bundle to execute as soon as it arrives to its destination.
     * @type {number}
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias NOW
    that.NOW = constants_iot.NOW;

     * Force the bundle to execute as soon as it arrives to its destination
     * unless it is really old, i.e., it is older than
     * `constants_iot.NOW_SAFE_EXPIRE_TIME_MSEC`.
     * By setting a time bound in, e.g., minutes, we can safely garbage
     * collect requests when the device is offline for an extended period.
     * @type {number}
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias NOW_SAFE
    that.NOW_SAFE = constants_iot.NOW_SAFE;

     * Creates a new bundle of commands.
     * @param {number=} margin A safety time margin in msec added to the
     * starting time to allow bundle propagation. Defaults to a system wide
     * margin.
     * @return {bundleObjectType} A new bundle.
     * @see module:caf_iot/bundles
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias newBundle
    that.newBundle = function(margin) {
        return $._.newBundle(margin);

     * Returns the name and arguments of the device methods.
     * We use this info internally to add bundle methods that construct
     * commands.
     *  The type `bundleDescriptionType` is:
     *         Object<string, Array.<string>>
     * where the key is the name of the command, and the value an array of
     * strings with the argument names of this command (ignoring the last
     * callback).
     * @return {bundleDescriptionType} An object with device
     *  method names as keys, and an array with argument names as values.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias iotMethodsMeta
    that.iotMethodsMeta = function() {
        return $._.iotMethodsMeta();

     * Sends to the device a bundle to be executed.
     * The `offset` value could be:
     *  * `NOW`: whenever the bundle arrives to its target, it will start
     * executing right away.
     *  * `NOW_SAFE`: same as `NOW` but ignoring really old bundles.
     *  * `undefined`: use the current time plus the `margin` specified in the
     * factory method.
     *  * `number`: an offset in msec to be added to the current time plus
     *  the `margin` as above.
     * To know whether the bundle was late (and ignored) we use responses in
     * `this.state.acks`, i.e., an array of max size `this.state.maxAcks`,
     * and elements of type:
     *      {response: boolean, index: number}
     *  where:
     * * `response`: `False` if the bundle was late, `True` otherwise.
     * * `index`: An identifier for the bundle. It matches the one returned by
     * this method.
     * @param {bundleObjectType} bundle A bundle to execute.
     * @param {number=} offset Time offset, see above.
     * @return {number} An identifier for the bundle.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias sendBundle
    that.sendBundle = function(bundle, offset) {
        var atTime;
        if ((offset === constants_iot.NOW) ||
            (offset === constants_iot.NOW_SAFE)) {
            atTime = offset;
        } else if (typeof offset === 'number') {
            atTime = (new Date()).getTime() + offset;
        } else {
            atTime = (new Date()).getTime();
        return that.sendBundleAt(bundle, atTime);

     * Submits a bundle to be executed by the device at a specific time.
     * Note that `margin` is still added. To get rid of
     * `margin`, set it to 0 when the bundle gets created (see `newBundle`).
     * @param {bundleObjectType} bundle A bundle to execute.
     * @param {number} atTime Time in msec since 1/1/1970 before bundle
     * execution or NOW. If negative assumed a preprocessed `NOW_SAFE` request.
     * @return {number} An id for the bundle.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias sendBundleAt
    that.sendBundleAt = function(bundle, atTime) {
        return $._.sendBundleAt(bundle, atTime);

     * Registers a token with the `caf_gadget` application instance that
     * manages this device.
     * After the token has been registered, the device can have access to it
     * through its local manager, enabling secure interactions with
     * this CA.
     * @param {string=} tokenStr A serialized token to access this CA. If
     * missing, the call is a no-op.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias registerToken
    that.registerToken = function(tokenStr) {
        tokenStr && $._.registerToken(tokenStr);

     * Force the invocation of a method on the device. No delay or other
     * timing constraints are enforced.
     * If the device is not connected, it will execute when it comes back
     * online if the `isSafe` argument is falsy.
     * @param {string} method A device method to invoke.
     * @param {Array.<jsonType>} args An array with method arguments.
     * @param {boolean=} isSafe Whether to ignore really old requests.
     * @memberof! module:caf_iot/ca/proxy_iot#
     * @alias iotApply
    that.iotApply = function(method, args, isSafe) {
        const bundle = that.newBundle();
        const when = isSafe ? constants_iot.NOW_SAFE : constants_iot.NOW;
        bundle[method](0, args);
        that.sendBundle(bundle, when);

    return [null, that];