
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';
 * Connects this device with its corresponding CA.
 * Properties:
 *      {tokenFile: string, appProtocol: string, appPublisher: string,
 *       appLocalName: string, appSuffix: string, session: string}
 * where:
 * * `tokenFile`: the name of a file containing an authentication token.
 * * `appProtocol`: protocol to contact the CA, e.g., `https`.
 * * `appPublisher`: the publisher of this app.
 * * `appLocalName`: the local name of the app.
 * * `appSuffix`: the URL suffix, e.g., ``.
 * * `session`: The persistent session identifier.
 * @module caf_iot/plug_iot_cloud
 * @augments module:caf_iot/gen_plug_iot
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class

const assert = require('assert');
const path = require('path');
const caf_cli = require('caf_cli');
const fs = require('fs');
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const myUtils = caf_comp.myUtils;
const genPlugIoT = require('./gen_plug_iot');
const json_rpc = require('caf_transport').json_rpc;

exports.newInstance = function($, spec, cb) {
    try {
        const that = genPlugIoT.create($, spec);

        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('New cloud plug');

        const loadToken = function(fileName) {
            try {
                if (typeof fs.readFileSync === 'function') {
                    const tokenDir = spec.env.tokenDir ||
                    return fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(tokenDir, fileName),
                                           {encoding: 'utf8'}).trim();
                } else {
                    // browserify, token in the url
                    return caf_cli.extractTokenFromURL(window.location.href);
            } catch (ex) {
                $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug(' NO TOKEN ' +
                return null;

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.tokenFile, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.tokenFile' not a string");
        const token = loadToken(spec.env.tokenFile);

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.appProtocol, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.appProtocol' not a string");

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.appPublisher, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.appPublisher' not a string");

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.appLocalName, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.appLocalName' not a string");

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.appSuffix, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.appSuffix' not a string");

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.session, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.session' not a string");

        const appName = json_rpc.joinName(spec.env.appPublisher,

        const appFullName = appName + '.' + spec.env.appSuffix;

        const caURL = spec.env.appProtocol + '://' + appFullName;

        const myId = $._.__ca_getName__();

        if (token !== null) {
            const cli = new caf_cli.Session(caURL, myId, {
                from: myId,
                token: token,
                session: spec.env.session,
                log: function(msg) {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug(msg);

            that.cli = cli;

            cli.onclose = function(err) {
                if (err) {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Error connecting to cloud:' +
                if (!that.__ca_isShutdown__) {
                    that.__ca_shutdown__(null, function(err) {
                        if (err) {
                            $._.$.log &&
                                $._.$.log.debug('Got error in cloud shutdown:' +

            cli.onerror = function(err) {
                if (err) {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Error connecting to cloud:' +
                // shutdown in 'onclose' afterwards

            cli.onopen = function() {
                cb(null, that);

        } else {
            // no Token, do not create a session
            that.cli = null;
            $._.$.log && $._.$.log.warn('Warning: No token, disabling cloud' +
                                        ' client');
            cb(null, that);

         * Gets original method arguments from message.
         * @param {msgType} msg A message
         * @return {Array.<jsonType>} An array with method arguments.
         * @throws {Error} when invalid message.
         * @memberof! module:caf_iot/plug_iot_cloud#
         * @alias getMethodArgs
        that.getMethodArgs = function(msg) {
            return caf_cli.getMethodArgs(msg);

         * Registers a handler to process messages.
         * This is equivalent to `that.cli.onmessage = handler`
         * @param {function(msgType):void|null} handler A function of type
         * `function(msgType)` to process notifications. `null` deregisters
         * previous handlers.
         * @memberof! module:caf_iot/plug_iot_cloud#
         * @alias registerHandler
        that.registerHandler = function(handler) {
            if (that.cli) {
                that.cli.onmessage = function(msg) {
                    handler && handler(msg);
            } else {
                $._.$.log && $._.$.log.warn('Ignoring registerHandler:' +
                                            'Missing cloud client');

        const super__ca_shutdown__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_shutdown__');
        that.__ca_shutdown__ = function(data, cb0) {
            super__ca_shutdown__(data, function(err, data) {
                that.cli && that.cli.close();
                cb0(err, data);

    } catch (err) {