
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';

 * A proxy to access BLE GATT services.
 *  The typical workflow is:
 * 1. `findServices` to find devices that export a particular service. If
 *  reading advertised data is all it is needed, stop here.
 * 2. Otherwise, pick one of them. Use `findCharacteristics` to create a
 * connnection and discover its characteristics.
 * 3. Read/Write/Subscribe/Unsubscribe to these characteristics.
 * 4. Disconnect, and if needed, go back to step 2 with a different device.
 * Note that to maintain compatibility with current WebBluetooth API we are
 * not discovering all BLE services in a device. The service id needs
 * to be known beforehand.
 * @module caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_proxy
const assert = require('assert');
const caf_iot = require('caf_iot');
const caf_comp = caf_iot.caf_components;
const genProxy = caf_comp.gen_proxy;
const utilGatt = require('./util_gatt');

 * Factory method to access GATT services.
exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {
    try {
        const that = genProxy.create($, spec);

         * Finds BLE devices that export a GATT service or a collection of
         * GATT services.
         * The provided method will be called with each device exporting the
         *  service. To stop the scanning call `stopFindServices` or
         * `findCharacteristics`.
         * @param {string|Array.<string>} service A service(s) id. They will get
         * converted to lower case due to `noble` package requirements.
         * @param {string} handlerMethodName The method called when a device is
         * found. The type is signature is `function(service, device, cb)`
         * where:
         *  * `service` type  is string or array of strings
         *  * `device` type is noble.peripheral (see
         *  * `cb` type is `caf.cb`
         * or `async function(service, device)` returning an array with an
         * error/data pair.
         * @param {string|null} namePrefix An optional name prefix to filter
         * devices. This is needed if no GATT services are advertised. If the
         * value is not null, this call will no longer filter based on service
         * ids.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias findServices
        that.findServices = function(service, handlerMethodName, namePrefix) {
            assert((typeof service === 'string') || Array.isArray(service));
            assert(typeof handlerMethodName === 'string');
            const serviceLowerCase = Array.isArray(service) ?
       => x.toLowerCase()) :
            $._.__iot_findServices__(serviceLowerCase, handlerMethodName,
                                     namePrefix, false);

         * Finds BLE devices using the `Web Bluetooth API` that export a GATT
         * service or a collection of GATT services.
         * This method is needed in the browser since the
         * `Web Bluetooth API` requires a user click before starting the
         * search. It needs access to the DOM, so it only works in the browser.
         * A returned promise allows the client to wait for user selection.
         * The provided method will be called with the selected device
         * exporting the service(s).
         * @param {string|Array.<string>} service A service(s) id.
         * @param {string} handlerMethodName The method called when a device is
         * found. The type is signature is `function(service, device, cb)`
         * where:
         *  * `service` type  is string or array of strings
         *  * `device` type is noble.peripheral (see
         *  * `cb` type is `caf.cb`
         * or `async function(service, device)` returning an array with an
         * error/data pair.
         * @param {string} clickable The id of an HTML button to start the
         * search.
         * @param {string} confirm The id of an HTML confirmation message.
         * @param {string|null} namePrefix An optional name prefix to filter
         * devices. This is needed if no GATT services are advertised. If the
         * value is not null, this call will no longer filter based on service
         * ids.
         * @return {Promise<null>} A promise to wait for selection.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias findServicesWeb
        that.findServicesWeb = function(service, handlerMethodName, clickable,
                                        confirm, namePrefix) {
            assert((typeof service === 'string') || Array.isArray(service));
            assert(typeof handlerMethodName === 'string');
            assert(typeof clickable === 'string');
            assert(typeof confirm === 'string');
            assert(typeof window !== 'undefined');

            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                try {
                    /* For example:
                     *  A button with id 'confirmScan' that is only
                     * visible when input is needed to bypass Web BT security
                     * check.
                     *  A confirmation message with id 'afterConfirmScan'
                     * visible after the selection.
                     *   <button id="confirmScan" style= "display:none;">
                     *     Click to allow Bluetooth scan</button>
                     *   <h2 id="afterConfirmScan" style= "display:none;">
                     *     Running... </h2>
                    const button = document.getElementById(clickable);
                    const message = document.getElementById(confirm);
           = 'display:inline;';
           = 'display:none;';
                    button.addEventListener('click', function handler() {
                        try {
                                                     namePrefix, true);
                            button.removeEventListener('click', handler);
                   = 'display:none;';
                   = 'display:inline;';
                        } catch (err) {
                } catch (err) {

         * Stops scanning for services.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias stopFindServices
        that.stopFindServices = function() {

         * Finds GATT characteristics of a service.
         *  Implicitly stops scanning for services.
         * @param {string} serviceId A service identifier.
         * @param {noble.peripheral} device A device returned by `findServices`.
         * @param {Array.<string>=} charIds Optional identifiers for the
         * characteristics. If undefined, all the characteristics
         * will be returned. Otherwise, the order in the array response
         * will match the order of this array, and an error will be propagated
         * if any is missing.
         * @param {cbType=} cb A standard callback returning an error, possibly
         * due to a timeout, or an object of type `CharactInfo`:
         *    {service: noble.service, device: noble.peripheral,
         *     characteristics:  Array.<noble.characteristic>}
         * where `service.uuid` is the original identifier.
         * @return {Promise<CharactInfo>|null} A promise with the
         * characteristics if no callback was provided, or `null` otherwise.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias findCharacteristics
        that.findCharacteristics = function(serviceId, device, charIds, cb) {
            assert(typeof serviceId === 'string');
            assert(device && (typeof device === 'object'));
            if (!cb && (typeof charIds === 'function')) {
                // backwards compatibility...
                cb = charIds;
                charIds = undefined;
            charIds && assert(Array.isArray(charIds));
            cb && assert(typeof cb === 'function');

            return $._.__iot_findCharacteristics__(serviceId, device, charIds,

         * Disconnects from a device.
         * The method `findCharacteristics` creates the connection, and keeps it
         * open to read/write/subscribe characteristics.
         * @param {noble.peripheral} device A device to disconnect.
         * @param {number=} delay An optional delay in msec before
         * disconnecting.
         * @param {cbType=} cb An optional callback to wait for disconnection.
         * @return {Promise<null>|null} A promise to wait for disconnection if
         * there was no callback, or `null` otherwise.

         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias disconnect
        that.disconnect = function(device, delay, cb) {
            assert(device && (typeof device === 'object'));
            return $._.__iot_disconnect__(device, delay, cb);

         * Disconnects from all connections.
         * @return {Promise<Array.<null>>} A promise to wait for disconnection.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias reset
        that.reset = function() {
            return $._.__iot_reset__();

         * Reads the value of a  GATT characteristic.
         * @param {noble.characteristic} characteristic A characteristic to
         * read.
         * @param {string} handlerMethodName The method called with the
         * characteristic value.
         * The type is signature is `function(charact, value, cb)`
         * where:
         *  * `charact` type is noble.characteristic
         *  * `value` type is Buffer
         *  * `cb` type is `caf.cb`
         * or `async function(charact, value)` returning an array with an
         * error/data pair.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias read
         */ = function(characteristic, handlerMethodName) {
            assert(characteristic && (typeof characteristic === 'object'));
            assert(typeof handlerMethodName === 'string');
            $._.__iot_read__(characteristic, handlerMethodName);

         * Dirty reads the value of a GATT characteristic, i.e., breaking the
         * transaction.
         * The read timed out, rejecting the promise with an error, if it takes
         * longer than `RWCharactTimeout` msec.
         * @param {noble.characteristic} characteristic A characteristic to
         * read.
         * @return {Promise<Buffer>} A promise with the read value.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias dirtyRead
        that.dirtyRead = function(characteristic) {
            assert(characteristic && (typeof characteristic === 'object'));
            return $._.__iot_dirtyRead__(characteristic);

         * Writes the value of a  GATT characteristic.
         * This write times out, rejecting the promise with an error, if it
         * takes longer than `RWCharactTimeout` msec.
         * @param {noble.characteristic} characteristic A characteristic to
         * write.
         * @param {Buffer} value The new value.
         * @param {boolean=} withoutResponse Uses GATT "write without response"
         * whenever possible. Web Bluetooth API currently ignores it.
         * @return {Promise<null>} A promise to wait for completion or notify
         * a timeout error.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias write
        that.write = function(characteristic, value, withoutResponse) {
            assert(characteristic && (typeof characteristic === 'object'));
            return $._.__iot_write__(characteristic, value, withoutResponse);

         * Subscribes to a  GATT characteristic.
         * This operation times out, rejecting the promise with an error, if it
         * takes longer than `RWCharactTimeout` msec.
         * @param {noble.characteristic} characteristic A characteristic to
         * read.
         * @param {string} handlerMethodName The method called with the
         * characteristic value.
         * The method type signature is `function(charact, value, cb)`
         * where:
         *  * `charact` type is noble.characteristic
         *  * `value` type is Buffer
         *  * `cb` type is `caf.cb`
         * or `async function(charact, value)` returning an array with an
         * error/data pair.
         * @return {Promise<null>} A promise to wait for completion or notify
         * a timeout error.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias subscribe
        that.subscribe = function(characteristic, handlerMethodName) {
            assert(characteristic && (typeof characteristic === 'object'));
            assert(typeof handlerMethodName === 'string');
            return $._.__iot_subscribe__(characteristic, handlerMethodName);

         * Unsubscribes to a  GATT characteristic.
         * This operation times out, rejecting the promise with an error, if it
         * takes longer than `RWCharactTimeout` msec.
         * @param {noble.characteristic} characteristic A characteristic to
         * unsubscribe.
         * @return {Promise<null>} A promise to wait for completion or notify
         * a timeout error.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias unsubscribe
        that.unsubscribe = function(characteristic) {
            assert(characteristic && (typeof characteristic === 'object'));
            return $._.__iot_unsubscribe__(characteristic);

         * Utility function to compare characteristic ids.
         * @param {string|number} x A characteristic id to compare.
         * @param {string|number} y Another characteristic id to compare.
         * @return {boolean} True if they map to the same characteristic.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias compareId
        that.compareId = function(x, y) {
            assert(typeof x === 'string');
            assert(typeof y === 'string');
            return utilGatt.compareId(x, y);

         * Utility function to select a service by comparing ids.
         * The type `noble.service` is an object that contains the field `uuid`.
         * @param {Array.<noble.service>} services An array of gatt services.
         * @param {string|number} serviceId A service id to compare.
         * @return {noble.service|null} A service in `services` with matching
         * id or `null` if not found.
         * @memberof!  module:caf_iot_gatt/proxy_iot_gatt#
         * @alias matchServiceId
        that.matchServiceId = function(services, serviceId) {
            return utilGatt.matchServiceId(services, serviceId);

        return [null, that];
    } catch (err) {
        return [err];