
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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'use strict';
 * A plug to manage available nodes, i.e., `node.js` processes, that run your
 * application.
 * A node is identified by a `hostname:port` string, where the `hostname` is
 * a publicly visible address or DNS name. The `port` may be used as a network
 * port, or encoded in the actual external address.
 * In many cloud deployments, public addresses are NATed to an internal IP
 * address, and it is more efficient to use internal addresses for
 * communication between co-located services and nodes.
 * For this reason, we add the notion of a private node identifier, that uses
 * a non-externally routable IP address/port.
 * This plug caches the public to private name bindings for all
 * nodes, and exposes them using a `$` context.
 * It also self-registers at boot time with a naming service (e.g., `Redis`),
 * using its own local name, and obtaining a public name in response.
 * This binding is implemented with a lease, and this plug will continously
 * renew it while still alive.
 * Properties:
 *     {stealthMode: boolean, nodesService: string, leaseTimeout: number,
 *      allPublicNodeIds: {publicHostname: string, publicRangeStart: number,
 *                         publicRangeEnd: number} | null}
 * where:
 *  * `stealthMode`: whether this node should not register (mostly for
 * debugging or network proxies).
 *  * `nodesService`: backend service for managing nodes, e.g., `cp`.
 *  * `leaseTimeout`: time in seconds before the node lease expires.
 *  * `allPublicNodeIds`: recipe to enumerate available public identifiers for
 * nodes. In stealth mode it can be `null`.
 * @module caf_platform/plug_nodes
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_plug
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class

const assert = /**@ignore @type {typeof import('assert')} */(require('assert'));
const events = require('events');
const util = require('util');
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const async = caf_comp.async;
const myUtils = caf_comp.myUtils;
const genPlug = caf_comp.gen_plug;

const ChangeEmitter = function() {;

util.inherits(ChangeEmitter, events.EventEmitter);

ChangeEmitter.prototype.change = function(newVersion) {
    // @ts-ignore: Does not know it is an EventEmitter
    this.emit('change', newVersion);

ChangeEmitter.prototype.close = function(reason) {
    // @ts-ignore: Does not know it is an EventEmitter
    this.emit('close', reason);
    // @ts-ignore: Does not know it is an EventEmitter

exports.newInstance = function($, spec, cb) {
    try {
        const that = genPlug.create($, spec);
        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('New nodes plug');

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.nodesService, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.nodesService' is not a string");
        const ns = spec.env.nodesService;

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.leaseTimeout, 'number',
                     "'spec.env.leaseTimeout' is not a number");
        const leaseTimeout = spec.env.leaseTimeout;

        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.stealthNode, 'boolean',
                     "'spec.env.stealthNode' is not a boolean");

        const privateNodeId = $._.$.paas.getAppHost() + ':' +

        const isKubernetes = ($._.$.paas.getPaaS() === 'kubernetes');

        /* We allow in stealth mode to provide a wildcard, i.e., `null`, for
         *  the range of 'allPublicNodeIds'. This simplifies
         *  the configuration of network proxies.
        if (!spec.env.stealthNode) {
            assert.ok(spec.env.allPublicNodeIds &&
                      (typeof spec.env.allPublicNodeIds === 'object'),
                      "'spec.env.allPublicNodeIds' is not an non-null object");

        // TODO: get rid of expansion and do a proper range query
        const expandNodeIds = function() {
            const result = [];
            const hostname = spec.env.allPublicNodeIds.publicHostname ||
            const start = spec.env.allPublicNodeIds.publicRangeStart;
            const end = spec.env.allPublicNodeIds.publicRangeEnd;
            for (let i = start; i<= end; i++) {
                result.push(hostname + ':' + i);
            return result;

        // Search all nodes with kubernetes
        const allPublicNodeIds = spec.env.allPublicNodeIds && !isKubernetes ?
            expandNodeIds() :

        var version = 0;

        const changeEmitter = new ChangeEmitter();
        // @ts-ignore: Does not know it is an EventEmitter
        changeEmitter.on('error', function(err) {
            $._.$.log && $._.$.log.error('ChangeEmitter: ' +
        var nodeId = null;

         * Public to private bindings of known nodes.
         * @type {Object.<string, string>}
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_nodes#
         * @alias $
        that.$ = {};

         * Gets a public unique identifier for the current node.js process.
         * Identifiers are of the form `hostname:port` where `hostname` is a
         * public IP address or DNS name.
         * @return {string} An identifier for the current node.js process.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_nodes#
         * @alias getNodeId
        that.getNodeId = function() {
            return nodeId;

         * Gets a version number reflecting the state of public to private
         * node bindings.
         * @return {number} A version number for the current node bindings.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_nodes#
         * @alias getVersion
        that.getVersion = function() {
            return version;

         * Gets the public indentifiers of all checked nodes.
         * The status of these nodes is in `that.$` when detected.
         * @return {Array.<string>|null} All the public identifiers of checked
         *  nodes. A `null` value means all found nodes will be included.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_nodes#
         * @alias getAllPublicNodeIds
        that.getAllPublicNodeIds = function() {
            return allPublicNodeIds;

         * Register for notifications of node binding changes.
         * @param {function(number):void} clientF A callback of type
         * `function(number):void` called when bindings change with a new
         * version number.
         * @param {function(string)=} closeF An optional callback called when
         *  no more notifications will be issued.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_nodes#
         * @alias onChange
        that.onChange = function(clientF, closeF) {
            // @ts-ignore: Does not know it is an EventEmitter
            changeEmitter.on('change', function(newVersion) {
            if (closeF) {
                // @ts-ignore: Does not know it is an EventEmitter
                changeEmitter.on('close', function(reason) {

         * Gets a private unique identifier for the current `node.js` process.
         * Identifiers are of the form `hostname:port` where `hostname` is a
         * private IP address or DNS name.
         * Many cloud deployments NAT a public address to a private one, and
         * performance improves if private addresses are used within the data
         * center.
         * @return {string} A private identifier for the current `node.js`
         *  process.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_nodes#
         * @alias getPrivateNodeId
        that.getPrivateNodeId = function() {
            return privateNodeId;

         * Renews a lease associated with this node.
         * @param {function(Error)} cb0 A callback with
         * an error if we cannot renew lease.
        const renewNodeLease = function(cb0) {
            try {
                if (nodeId) {
                    $._.$[ns].renewNodeLease(privateNodeId, leaseTimeout, cb0);
                } else {
            } catch (err) {

        const refreshNodes = function(cb0) {
            try {
                $._.$[ns].listNodes(allPublicNodeIds, function(err, all) {
                    if (err) {
                    } else {
                        if (!myUtils.deepEqual(that.$, all)) {
                            that.$ = all;
                            version = version + 1;
            } catch (err) {

         * Entry method for a cron to periodically trigger node lease renewal,
         * and also refresh node bindings.
         * @param {cbType} cb0 A callback to notify when done.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_nodes#
         * @alias __ca_pulse__
        that.__ca_pulse__ = function(cb0) {
            ], function(err) {
                if (err) {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.warn('plug_nodes exception:' +
                    that.__ca_shutdown__(null, cb0);
                } else {

        const getKubernetesPublicNodeId = function() {
            /* For example,
             *  and, if needed,  pipe_redirect will map it to:
             * and finally the nginx proxy (ingress path) will map it to:
             *      10-3-10-212.<namespace of root-helloworld>.pod.cluster.local
             *  using the internal kubernetes dns and standard port (3000) to
             *  forward the request to the pod.
            const ip = $._.$.paas.getAppHost().replace(/\./g, '-');
            return $._.__ca_getAppFullName__() + ':' + ip;

        if (spec.env.stealthNode) {
            // do not register
            cb(null, that);
        } else {
            const allIds = isKubernetes ?
                [getKubernetesPublicNodeId()] :
            $._.$[ns].grabNodeLease(allIds, privateNodeId,
                                    leaseTimeout, function(err, name) {
                                        if (err) {
                                        } else {
                                            nodeId = name;
                                            cb(null, that);
    } catch (err) {