
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';
 * A plug to access properties of external services managed by a PaaS, such as
 *  Kubernetes, Marathon or Cloud Foundry.
 *  Properties:
 *      {paas: string, port: number, internalPort: number, host: string,
 *       home:string, redis: {port: number, hostname: string, password: string}
 *      }
 *  where:
 * * `paas`: name of the PaaS, e.g., "cloudfoundry", "marathon" or "kubernetes".
 * * `port`: the external port number for this platform.
 * * `internalPort`: the internal, i.e.,  inside container, port.
 * * `host`: the hostname. Under "kubernetes" the value "localhost" is
 *  replaced by the container IP address.
 * * `home` : the home directory.
 * * `redis`: an example of the configuration of a service.
 * @module caf_platform/plug_paas
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_plug
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const assert = require('assert');
const os = require('os');
const ifaces = os.networkInterfaces();
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const genPlug = caf_comp.gen_plug;

const BYPASS_DEFAULT = 'default';
const BYPASS_PORT = -1;

const getIPAddress = function() {
    var result = null;
    Object.keys(ifaces).some(function(x) {
        const oneInterface = ifaces[x];
        return oneInterface.some(function(ip) {
            if (( === 'IPv4') && (!ip.internal)) {
                result = ip.address;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
    return result;

exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {
    try {
        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.port, 'number',
                     "'spec.env.port' is not a number");
        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.internalPort, 'number',
                     "'spec.env.port' is not a number");
        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.paas, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.paas' is not a string");
        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.home, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.home' is not a string");
        assert.equal(typeof, 'string',
                     "'' is not a string");

        const host = (( === 'localhost') &&
                (spec.env.paas === 'kubernetes')) ?
            getIPAddress() :

        if (!host) {
            throw new Error('Cannot find IP address for container');

        const that = genPlug.create($, spec);

        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('New PaaS plug');

         * Gets the name of the PaaS used for deployment, e.g.,
         * "cloudfoundry", "marathon" or "kubernetes".
         * @return {string} The name of the PaaS.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_paas#
         * @alias getPaaS
        that.getPaaS = function() {
            return spec.env.paas;

         * Gets the external port is listening to.
         * @return {number} The external application port number.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_paas#
         * @alias getAppPort
        that.getAppPort = function() {
            return spec.env.port;

         * Gets the internal port the app is listening to.
         * The internal port can be different from the external one when using
         *  Docker containers.
         * A value of `-1` just means use the external port.
         * @return {number} The application internal port number.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_paas#
         * @alias getAppInternalPort
        that.getAppInternalPort = function() {
            return spec.env.internalPort === BYPASS_PORT ?
                that.getAppPort() :

         * Gets the local host name.
         * @return {string} The local host name.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_paas#
         * @alias getAppHost
        that.getAppHost = function() {
            return host;

         * Gets the home directory.
         * @return {string} The home directory.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_paas#
         * @alias getHome
        that.getHome = function() {
            return spec.env.home;

         *  format example for vcapServices:
         *  {'redis-<version>' : [ {'name' : <string>,
         *                          'credentials' : { 'hostname': <string>,
         *                                             'port': <number> ,
         *                                             'password' : <string>,...
         *                                          },...
         *                          }
         *                        ]}
        const getCFServiceConfig = function(typePrefix, name) {
            const vcapServices = typeof process.env.VCAP_SERVICES === 'string' ?
                JSON.parse(process.env.VCAP_SERVICES) :
            const matchType = new RegExp('^' + typePrefix);
            for (const type in vcapServices) {
                if (matchType.test(type)) {
                    const svcDef = vcapServices[type];
                    if (Array.isArray(svcDef)) {
                        if (name) {
                            for (const svc in svcDef) {
                                const val = svcDef[svc];
                                if ((typeof val === 'object') &&
                                    ( === name)) {
                                    return val.credentials;
                        } else {
                            const service = svcDef[0];
                            if (typeof service === 'object') {
                                return service.credentials;
            return undefined;

         * Gets configuration data for a remote service.
         * @param {string} typePrefix A prefix for the type of service
         * wanted, e.g., `redis`.
         * @param {string=} name A specific name for the service or undefined.
         * @return {Object} Configuration data for a remote service.
         * @memberof! module:caf_platform/plug_paas#
         * @alias getServiceConfig
        that.getServiceConfig = function(typePrefix, name) {
            const filterDefaults = function(x) {
                if (x && typeof(x) === 'object') {
                    const result = {};
                    Object.keys(x).forEach(function(key) {
                        if ((x[key] !== BYPASS_DEFAULT) &&
                            (x[key] !== BYPASS_PORT)) {
                            result[key] = x[key];
                    return result;
                } else {
                    return x;

            let result = spec.env[typePrefix] || null;
            if (spec.env.paas === 'cloudfoundry') {
                result = getCFServiceConfig(typePrefix, name);
            if (spec.env.paas === 'kubernetes') {
                // TODO: link to kubernetes service discovery
                const msg = 'Ignoring service configuration under Kubernetes';
                $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug(msg);
                result = null;
            /* format example for spec.env:
             *  {'redis' : { password: <string>,
             *               hostname: <string>,
             *               port: <integer>}} */
            return filterDefaults(result);

        return [null, that];
    } catch (err) {
        return [err];