
React.js plug for background rendering.


 {appFileName: string, separator: string, cacheService: string,
  expiresInSec: number, appCDN: string=, appLocalName: string=,
  appSubdirCDN: string=, disableCDN: boolean=}


  • appFileName: is a file name with path relative to the location of ca_methods.js. Optionally, an absolute directory path can be specified with property appDir.
  • separator: is a token to highlight an insertion point for the rendered content in the template.
  • cacheService: is the name of the service plug used for remote caching.
  • expiresInSec: enables garbage collection of the cache by expiring entries.
  • appCDN: a url prefix for your CDN, or undefined or '' to replace by an empty string. appLocalName: the local name of the app. If appCDN is not a falsy, it should not be a falsy. appSubdirCDN: an optional sub directory to cache invalidate a CDN. disableCDN: do not replace strings for CDN support.

When appCDN is, appLocalName is myApp, and appSubdirCDN is v1.01 occurrences in html and js files of json_rpc.CDN are replaced by

