
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';
 * Generic plug to manage a `Redis` connection.
 * Properties:
 *     {nodeId: string=, paas: string, redis: {password: string|null,
 *                                            hostname: string, port: number},
 *      coalescing: {interval: number, maxPendingUpdates: number},
 *      compressState: boolean}
 * where:
 *  * `nodeId:` is an optional, default identifier for the lease owner of all
 *  the CAs that use this plug. Mostly for debugging.
 *  * `paas:` a name for a service to dynamically lookup configuration that will
 * override the one defined here.
 *  * `interval:` the number of miliseconds that we delay update requests,
 * so that we can aggregate them in a single request.
 *  * `maxPendingUpdates:` The maximum number of pending updates before
 *  we flush them in a single request.
 *  * `redis:` standard `Redis` configuration.
 *  * `compressState`: Whether to compress checkpointed state. Typically turned
 * off for debugging.
 * @module caf_redis/gen_redis_plug
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_plug
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const assert = /**@ignore @type {typeof import('assert')} */(require('assert'));
const redis = require('redis');
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const async = caf_comp.async;
const myUtils = caf_comp.myUtils;
const genPlug = caf_comp.gen_plug;
const genCron = caf_comp.gen_cron;
const utilR = require('./util_redis');

const PING_RATIO = 100; //typical 10msec * 100 = 1sec between redis pings

exports.create = function($, spec) {

    if ($._.$.log && $._.$.log.isActive('TRACE')) {
        redis.debug_mode = true;
    assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.coalescing), 'object',
                 "'spec.env.coalescing' is not an object");
    assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.coalescing.maxPendingUpdates), 'number',
                 "'spec.env.coalescing.maxPendingUpdates' is not a number");
    assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.coalescing.interval), 'number',
                 "'spec.env.coalescing.interval' is not a number");
    assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.compressState), 'boolean',
                 "'spec.env.compressState' is not a boolean");

    const maxPendingUpdates = spec.env.coalescing.maxPendingUpdates;

    /* config type is {password: <null| string>, hostname: <string>,
     port: <integer>}.*/
    const config = spec.env.redis;
    assert.ok((typeof(config.password) === 'string') ||
              (config.password === null),
              "'config.password' not null or string");
    assert.equal(typeof(config.hostname), 'string',
                 "'config.hostname' not a string");
    assert.equal(typeof(config.port), 'number',
                 "'config.port' not a number");

    const cronSpec = {
        name: + '_cron__',
        module: 'gen_cron', // module ignored
        env: {interval: spec.env.coalescing.interval}
    const updateCron = genCron.create(null, cronSpec);

    const that = genPlug.create($, spec);

     * Run-time type information.
     * @type {boolean}
     * @memberof! module:caf_redis/gen_redis_plug#
     * @alias __ca_isRedisPlug__
    that.__ca_isRedisPlug__ = true;

    var clientRedis = null;
    var luaHashes = {};
    var pendingUpdates = [];
    var counter = 0;

     * Gets a connection to Redis.
     * @return {Object} A connection to Redis.
     * @memberof! module:caf_redis/gen_redis_plug#
     * @alias __ca_getClientRedis__
    that.__ca_getClientRedis__ = function() {
        return clientRedis;

     * Sends a LUA command to Redis.
     * @param {string} op Operation to perform.
     * @param {Array.<string>} ids CA identifiers.
     * @param {Array.<Object>} argsList Arguments to LUA command.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback called with the response to the LUA
     *  command.
     * @memberof! module:caf_redis/gen_redis_plug#
     * @alias __ca_doLuaOp__
    that.__ca_doLuaOp__ = function(op, ids, argsList, cb) {
        if (that.__ca_isShutdown__) {
            const err = new Error('Shutdown redis plug cannot process LUA op');
            err['op'] = op;
            err['ids'] = ids;
            err['argsList'] = argsList;
        } else {
            const cb0 = function(err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    const argsStr =
                 => utilR.decompressJSON(x).toString());
                    const newErr = new Error('Error in LUA operation');
                    newErr['err'] = err;
                    newErr['op'] = op;
                    newErr['ids'] = ids;
                    newErr['argsList'] = argsStr;
                } else {
                    cb(err, data);
            const args = [luaHashes[op], ids.length]
            clientRedis.send_command('evalsha', args, cb0);

     * Sends a PING command to Redis.
     * @memberof! module:caf_redis/gen_redis_plug#
     * @alias __ca_ping__
    that.__ca_ping__ = function() {
        if (!clientRedis.pub_sub_mode) {
            clientRedis.send_command('ping', [], function(err, x) {
                if (err) {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Exception in Redis ping' +
                } else if (x !== 'PONG') {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Cannot ping Redis');

    const registerScripts = function(all, cb) {
        const seriesF = {};
        const newF = function(script) {
            return function(cb1) {
                clientRedis.send_command('SCRIPT', ['LOAD', script], cb1);
        for (let scriptName in all) {
            seriesF[scriptName] = newF(all[scriptName]);
        /* We could have used 'parallel', but 'series' is easier to debug, and
         *  performance is not an issue for a one-off initialization.*/
        async.series(seriesF, cb);

     * Queues a callback/command pair for future execution, so that we can
     * aggregate commands into a single LUA script.
     * @param {cbType} callback A callback to return results/error for the
     *  queued command.
     * @param {Object} command A command to be queued for future execution.
     * @memberof! module:caf_redis/gen_redis_plug#
     * @alias __ca_queue__
    that.__ca_queue__ = function(callback, command) {
        pendingUpdates.push({callback: callback, command: command});

     * Flushes pending commands, combining them by using a given function.
     * @param {function(Array.<Object>, cbType):void} flushF A hook function
     * of type `function(Array.<Object>, cbType):void` to
     * process a sequence of commands, and call a callback with the combined
     * results or an error.
     * @param {boolean} force True if we flush regardless of the number of
     * pending updates. False, if we only flush when the threshold of queue size
     *  was exceeded.
     * @memberof! module:caf_redis/gen_redis_plug#
     * @alias __ca_flush__
    that.__ca_flush__ = function(flushF, force) {
        counter = counter + 1;
        if (counter % PING_RATIO === 0) {
            // keep connection alive when not active.
        if ((pendingUpdates.length >= maxPendingUpdates) ||
            (force && pendingUpdates.length > 0)) {
            const pending = myUtils.clone(pendingUpdates);
            const commands = { return x.command;});
            const callbacks = { return x.callback;});
            pendingUpdates = [];
            const cb = function(err, response) {
                if (err) {
                    $._.$.log &&
                        $._.$.log.debug('__ca_flush__:Retrying separate' +
                                        ' err=' + myUtils.errToPrettyStr(err));
                    // retry separately
                    pending.forEach(function(x) {
                        process.nextTick(function() {
                            flushF([x.command], x.callback);
                } else {
                    callbacks.forEach(function(x) {
                        process.nextTick(function() {
                            x(err, response);
            process.nextTick(function() { flushF(commands, cb);});

     * Initializes the Redis connection/LUA scripts. This can only be done once.
     * `redisType` type is
     *  {port: number, hostname: string, password: string=}
     * @param {redisType=} optConfig Optional host/port/password for redis
     * service that overrides the  defaults.
     * @param {Object.<string, string>} lua A map with script names
     * (keys) and LUA script source codes (values).
     * @param {function(cbType)=} flushF An optional flush function to process
     * pending updates.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to continue after initialization.
     * @memberof! module:caf_redis/gen_redis_plug#
     * @alias __ca_initClient__
    that.__ca_initClient__ = function(optConfig, lua, flushF, cb) {
        if (clientRedis) {
            const err = new Error('Redis: initializating twice');
            err['optConfig'] = optConfig;
        } else {
            const newConfig = myUtils.cloneAndMixin(config, optConfig || {});
            clientRedis = redis.createClient(newConfig.port,
                                             {detect_buffers: true});
                .on('error', function(err) {
                    $._.$.log &&
                        $._.$.log.error('Error: Redis connection:' +
                                        JSON.stringify(newConfig) + ' ' +
                     * We don't want 'node_redis' to retry or exit. So we
                     * need to install an error handler that ends the
                     * connection, and just in case, shuts down (again)
                     * the plug.
                    clientRedis && clientRedis.end(true);
                    that.__ca_shutdown__(null, function() {
                        // ignore
                .on('end', function() {
                    that.__ca_shutdown__(null, function() {
                        // ignore
            if (flushF) {
                updateCron.__ca_start__(function() {
                    that.__ca_flush__(flushF, true);
                function(cb0) {
                    if (!newConfig.password) {
                    } else {
                        clientRedis.auth(newConfig.password, cb0);
                function(cb0) {
                    registerScripts(lua, cb0);
            ], function(err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.error('Error Redis init:' +
                    that.__ca_shutdown__(null, function() {
                } else {
                    luaHashes = data[1];
                    cb(null, that);

    const super__ca_shutdown__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_shutdown__');
    that.__ca_shutdown__ = function(data, cb) {
        if (that.__ca_isShutdown__) {
            // do nothing, return OK
        } else {
            super__ca_shutdown__(data, function(err) {
                if (err) {
                } else {
                    updateCron && updateCron.__ca_stop__();
                    /* Tries to close the connection gracefully, i.e.,
                     * processing all replies and sending the QUIT command,
                     * but if that fails, it uses the hammer.
                    if (clientRedis) {
                        clientRedis.quit(function(err) {
                            if (err) {
                                $._.$.log &&
                                    $._.$.log.warn('Redis: Cannot cleanly' +
                                                   ' quit connection: ' +
                            } else {
                    } else {

    return that;