
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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'use strict';
 * Security plug for authentication.
 * Properties:
 *       {keysDir: string=, trustedPubKeyFile: string, privateKeyFile: string=,
 *        publicKeyFile: string=, accountsURL: string, allowNobodyUser: boolean,
 *        quotaApp: string=}
 * where:
 * * `keysDir:` directory for all key material.
 * * `trustedPubKeyFile`: trusted public key that verifies tokens. Uses
 * a self-signed certificate in PEM format, see `openssl`.
 * * `privateKeyFile` and `publicKeyFile`: optional asymetric keys to weaken
 * tokens. Typically we use a remote service instead.
 * * `accountsURL`: URL of the accounts service.
 * * `allowNobodyUser`: whether to allow the `json_rpc.DEFAULT_FROM` client to
 * authenticate without credentials.
 * * `quotaApp`: the name of the app managing user quotas, or missing if
 * service off.
 * @module caf_security/plug_security
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_plug
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const assert = /**@ignore @type {typeof import('assert')} */(require('assert'));
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const async = caf_comp.async;
const myUtils = caf_comp.myUtils;
const genPlug = caf_comp.gen_plug;
const json_rpc = require('caf_transport').json_rpc;
const tokens = require('./tokens');
const secUtils = require('./utils');

const MIN_DURATION_SEC = 0.01; // Safety margin before token expires

exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {
    try {
        const that = genPlug.create($, spec);

        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('New security plug');

        const keysDir = spec.env.keysDir || $.loader.__ca_firstModulePath__();

        const loadKey = function(fileName) {
            if (fileName) {
                return fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(keysDir, fileName));
            } else {
                return null;

        var accounts;

        const trustedPubKeyFile = spec.env.trustedPubKeyFile;
        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.trustedPubKeyFile, 'string',
                     "'spec.env.trustedPubKeyFile' is not a string");
        const trustedPubKey = loadKey(trustedPubKeyFile);

        const privateKey = loadKey(spec.env.privateKeyFile); // optional
        const publicKey = loadKey(spec.env.publicKeyFile); // optional

        spec.env.accountsURL &&
            assert.equal(typeof spec.env.accountsURL, 'string',
                         "'spec.env.accountsURL' is not a string");

        const allowNobodyUser = spec.env.allowNobodyUser;
        assert.equal(typeof spec.env.allowNobodyUser, 'boolean',
                     "'spec.env.allowNobodyUser' is not a boolean");

        spec.env.quotaApp &&
            assert.equal(typeof spec.env.quotaApp, 'string',
                         "'spec.env.quotaApp' is not a string");

        let tokenCache = {};

        that.__ca_getAppName__ = function() {
            return $._.__ca_getAppName__();

        const split = json_rpc.splitName(that.__ca_getAppName__());
        assert.equal(split.length, 2, 'Invalid application name ' +

        const onlyBasicChars = /^[A-Za-z0-9]*$/;

        const appPublisher = split[0];
        assert.ok(appPublisher && onlyBasicChars.test(appPublisher),
                  "'appPublisher' has non-alphanum characters or is empty:" +

        const appLocalName = split[1];
        assert.ok(appLocalName && onlyBasicChars.test(appLocalName),
                  "'appLocalName' has non-alphanum characters or is empty:" +

         * Cleans up token caches.
         * Called by `cron_security` periodically to force token re-validation.
         * @param {cbType} cb0 A callback to continue after cleaning.
         * @memberof! module:caf_security/plug_security#
         * @alias __ca_pulse__
        that.__ca_pulse__ = function(cb0) {
            // force re-validation of tokens so that they can expire.
            tokenCache = {};

         * `null` means cached  with a negative result (invalid token),
         * `undefined` means not in the cache,
         * otherwise you get the validated token.
        const verifyToken = function(tokenStr) {
            if (typeof tokenStr !== 'string') {
                return null;
            var token = tokenCache[tokenStr];
            if (token !== undefined) {
                return token;
            } else {
                try {
                    token = tokens.validate(tokenStr, trustedPubKey);
                    tokenCache[tokenStr] = token;
                    return token;
                } catch (err) {
                    // did not validate, cache negative result.
                    tokenCache[tokenStr] = null;
                    return null;

        const verifyConstraints = function(from, token) {
            try {
                const ca = json_rpc.splitName(from);
                assert.ok(ca.length === 2, 'Invalid name');
                const target = tokens.newPayload(appPublisher, appLocalName,
                                                 ca[0], ca[1],
                return tokens.lessOrEqual(target, token);
            } catch (err) {
                $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Exception testing constraints' +
                return false;

         * Verifies the provided serialized token is trusted
         * @param {string} tokenStr A serialized token to validate.
         * @return {tokenType|null} A parsed, validated token, or `null` if
         * token invalid.
         * @memberof! module:caf_security/plug_security#
         * @alias __ca_verifyToken__
        that.__ca_verifyToken__ = function(tokenStr) {
            return verifyToken(tokenStr);

         * Authenticates the incoming request.
         * @param {string} from Principal sending this request.
         * @param {string} tokenStr Token to authenticate the principal.
         * @param {cbType} cb0 A callback with an error or the authenticated
         *  token.
         * @memberof! module:caf_security/plug_security#
         * @alias __ca_authenticate__
        that.__ca_authenticate__ = function(from, tokenStr, cb0) {
            const sorry = function(info) {
                const err = new Error(info);
                err['from'] = from;
                err['tokenStr'] = tokenStr;
                err['accountsURL'] = spec.env.accountsURL;
                $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Deny: ' + info +
                return err;

            const isNobodyUser = function() {
                return (json_rpc.DEFAULT_FROM === from) ||

            if (typeof from === 'string') {
                if (allowNobodyUser && isNobodyUser()) {
                    // bypass authentication
                } else if (typeof tokenStr === 'string') {
                    const token = verifyToken(tokenStr);
                    if (!token) {
                        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Invalid Token:' +
                                                     tokenStr.slice(0, 20));
                        cb0(sorry('Invalid Token'));
                    } else if (!verifyConstraints(from, token)) {
                        const msg = 'Token does not respect constraints';
                        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug(msg + ' from: ' + from +
                                                     ' token:' +
                    } else {
                        // all checks clear
                        cb0(null, token);
                } else {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('Missing token');
                    cb0(sorry("Missing 'token' field"));
            } else {
                cb0(sorry("Missing 'from' field"));

         * Whether we should block attempts to create a missing CA.
         * Only the owner should be allowed to create new CAs, i.e.,
         * `from === to`.
         * @param {string} from Source of the request.
         * @param {string} to Target CA to be created if missing.
         * @return {boolean} True if we should only allow returning a reference
         *  to an existing CA.
         * @memberof! module:caf_security/plug_security#
         * @alias __ca_blockCreate__
        that.__ca_blockCreate__ = function(from, to) {
            if (from !== to) {
                // only the owner can create a CA.
                $._.$.log && $._.$.log.trace('Blocking create of ' + to +
                                             ' by ' + from);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        const remoteAttenuateToken = function(megaTokenStr, constraints, cb0) {
            try {
                const closeF = function(err) {
                    accounts = null;
                    if (err) {
                        $._.$.log &&
                            $._.$.log.warn('Accounts session error' +
                const cb1 = function(err, acc) {
                    if (err) {
                    } else {
                        accounts = acc;
                        accounts.attenuateToken(megaTokenStr, constraints, cb0);
                secUtils.accountsSession(accounts, spec.env.accountsURL,
                                         constraints['caOwner'], closeF, cb1);
            } catch (err) {

        const attenuateOneToken = function(megaTokenStr, constraints, cb0) {
            try {
                const ifNull = function(mega, constr, propName) {
                    return constr[propName] === null ?
                        mega[propName] :
                const megaToken = tokens.validate(megaTokenStr, trustedPubKey);
                const target = tokens
                    .newPayload(ifNull(megaToken, constraints, 'appPublisher'),
                                ifNull(megaToken, constraints, 'appLocalName'),
                                ifNull(megaToken, constraints, 'caOwner'),
                                ifNull(megaToken, constraints, 'caLocalName'),

                if (tokens.lessOrEqual(target, megaToken)) {
                    const signedToken = tokens.sign(target, privateKey);
                    tokens.validate(signedToken, publicKey);
                    cb0(null, signedToken);
                } else {
                    const err = new Error('Token is not weaker');
                    err['megaToken'] = megaToken;
                    err['constraints'] = constraints;
                    throw err;
            } catch (err) {

         * Weakens an authentication token generating generating one (or many)
         *  token(s).
         * @see {@link module:caf_security/proxy_security#attenuateToken}
         * @param {string} megaTokenStr A serialized token.
         * @param {tkDescArray} constraints A description of the new token(s).
         * @param {cbType} cb0 A callback to return the new token(s) or an
         *  error.
         * @memberof! module:caf_security/plug_security#
         * @alias __ca_attenuateToken__
        that.__ca_attenuateToken__ = function(megaTokenStr, constraints, cb0) {
            if (privateKey) {
                if (Array.isArray(constraints)) {
          , function(one, cb1) {
                        attenuateOneToken(megaTokenStr, one, cb1);
                    }, cb0);
                } else {
                    attenuateOneToken(megaTokenStr, constraints, cb0);
            } else {
                remoteAttenuateToken(megaTokenStr, constraints, cb0);

        const callCrossApp = async function(fqn, method, args, cb0) {
            try {
                const res = await $._.$,
                                                      method, args);
                if (res[0]) {
                    // system error defaults to `Internal Error`
                    res[0].quotaExceeded = !(res[0].isSystemError);
                } else {
                    cb0(null, res[1]);
            } catch (err) {
                cb0(err); //bad inputs, programming error

        const toFQN = function(owner) {
            return json_rpc.joinNameArray([
                json_rpc.joinName(owner, json_rpc.DEFAULT_QUOTA_ID)
            ], json_rpc.APP_SEPARATOR);

         * Registers a new CA with the *Quota* service.
         * @param {string} tokenStr An encoded token. This token was originally
         * used to create the CA.
         * @param {cbType} cb0 A callback to return an error, or extra CA info
         * (second argument).  If the error is not a system error, i.e., we
         * accessed the quota service and there was no balance, the error field
         * `quotaExceeded` is set to `true`.
         * @memberof! module:caf_security/plug_security#
         * @alias __ca_quotaRenew__
        that.__ca_quotaRenew__ = function(tokenStr, cb0) {
            if (spec.env.quotaApp) {
                const token = that.__ca_verifyToken__(tokenStr);
                if (token) {
                    const fqn = toFQN(token.caOwner);
                    callCrossApp(fqn, 'registerCA', [tokenStr], cb0);
                } else {
                    cb0(new Error('Invalid token'));
            } else {
                cb0(null, 'Skip quota renew');

         * Checks the quota of a CA with the *Quota* service.
         * @param {string} caId A target CA identifier, e.g., `foo-ca1`.
         * @param {cbType} cb0 A callback to return an error, or extra CA info
         * (second argument).  If the error is not a system error, i.e., we
         * accessed the quota service and there was no balance, the error field
         * `quotaExceeded` is set to `true`.
         * @memberof! module:caf_security/plug_security#
         * @alias __ca_quotaCheck__
        that.__ca_quotaCheck__ = function(caId, cb0) {
            if (spec.env.quotaApp) {
                const splitName = json_rpc.splitName(caId);
                if (splitName.length !== 2) {
                    const fqn = toFQN(splitName[0]);
                    callCrossApp(fqn, 'checkCA', [caId], cb0);
                } else {
                    cb0(new Error('Invalid CA identifier'));
            } else {
                cb0(null, 'Skip quota check');

        return [null, that];
    } catch (err) {
        return [err];