
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';
 * Proxy to manage security policies from application code.
 * @module caf_security/proxy_security
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_proxy
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const genProxy = caf_comp.gen_proxy;
const rules = require('./rules');
const aggregates = require('./aggregates');

exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {

    const that = genProxy.create($, spec);

     * Gets the application name.
     * @return {string} The application name.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias getAppName
    that.getAppName = function() {
        return $._.getAppName();

     * Gets the authenticated caller's name.
     * It matches the `from` field of the message that we are currently
     * processing, i.e., `<caOwner>-<caLocalName>`.
     * @return {string} The name of the caller.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias getCallerFrom
    that.getCallerFrom = function() {
        return $._.getCallerFrom();

     * Constructor for a simple rule, i.e., of type `"caf.simpleRule"`.
     * @see {@link module:caf_security/proxy_security#addRule}.
     *  @param {(Array.<string>|string)=} methods Methods to enable. Defaults
     * to all.
     *  @param {string=} caOwner Owner of the calling CA.
     *  @param {string=} caLocalName Local name of the calling CA/
     *  @return {ruleType} An authorization  rule.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias newSimpleRule
    that.newSimpleRule = function(methods, caOwner, caLocalName) {
        return rules.newSimpleRule(methods, caOwner, caLocalName);

     * Constructor for a rule that uses an `AggregateMap` to represent a linked
     * local namespace.
     * Note that aggregate rules are only active if the corresponding
     * `AggregateMap` has been added using the `caf_sharing` plugin.
     * @see {@link module:caf_security/proxy_security#addRule}.
     *  @param {(Array.<string>|string)=} methods Methods to enable. Defaults
     * to all.
     *  @param {string} aggregateMapAlias The alias that we used to
     * instantiate the AggregateMap.
     *  @return {ruleType} An authorization  rule.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias newAggregateRule
    that.newAggregateRule = function(methods, aggregateMapAlias) {
        return aggregates.newAggregateRule(methods, aggregateMapAlias);

     * A symbol representing the owner of this CA, i.e., `"!SELF"`.
     * @type string
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias SELF
    that.SELF = rules.SELF;

     * A symbol representing the local name of this CA, i.e., `"!CA_LOCAL"`.
     * @type string
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias CA_LOCAL
    that.CA_LOCAL = rules.CA_LOCAL;

     * Checks whether a caller is authorized to invoke certain method.
     * This explicit check is typically not needed because the framework
     * enforces access policy, but it can be useful for debugging or to validate
     * application-level checks.
     * @param {string} caller A CA name of the form  `<caOwner>-<caLocalName>`.
     * @param {string} method A method name.
     * @param {boolean=} ignoreInternal Treat internal methods, i.e., starting
     * with `__ca_`, as external ones while checking authorization.
     * @return {boolean} True if access would be granted, false otherwise.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias isAuthorized
    that.isAuthorized = function(caller, method, ignoreInternal) {
        return $._.isAuthorized(caller, method, true, ignoreInternal);

     * Adds a rule that allows a principal to invoke certain methods.
     * The type can be `simpleRuleType` or  `aggregateRuleType`
     * The type of `ruleType` when the rule type is `simpleRuleType`:
     *     { type: 'caf.simpleRule', ac: {caOwner: string=,
     *                                    caLocalName: string=},
     *       methods: (Array.<string> | string)=}
     * a missing field means a wildcard, `"!SELF"` represents the owner of
     * this CA, and `"!CA_LOCAL"` matches the local name of this CA.
     *  For example:
     *      {type: 'caf.simpleRule', ac: {caOwner: "!SELF",
     *                                    caLocalName: "!CA_LOCAL"}}
     *  gives the owner, within an authenticated session, full access to this
     * CA. This is a sensible default.
     *      {type: 'caf.simpleRule', ac: {caOwner: '!SELF'}}
     * gives any CA with the same owner full access to this CA.
     *      {type: 'caf.simpleRule', ac: {caOwner: '!SELF', caLocalName: 'bar'},
     *       methods: 'foo'}
     * grants permission to CA `bar`, of the same owner, to  invoke method
     * `foo`.
     * The type  of `ruleType` when the rule type is `aggregateRuleType`:
     *      {type: 'caf.aggregateRule', alias : string,
     *       methods: (Array.<string> | string)=}
     *  where `alias` is the `AggregateMap` alias in the `sharing` plugin
     * context. See {@link external:caf_sharing}.
     * For example, if `alias` is `foo`, the map is `this.$.sharing.$.foo`.
     * @param {ruleType} newRule A new authorization rule.
     * @return {string} A rule identifier.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias addRule
    that.addRule = function(newRule) {
        return $._.addRule(newRule);

     * Lists current active rules.
     * It returns a deep frozen copy of the current rules.
     * @return {Object.<string, ruleType>} A map using rule ids as keys and
     *  rule contents as values.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias listRules
    that.listRules = function() {
        return $._.listRules();

     * Computes a content-based identifier for a rule.
     * @param {ruleType} rule A rule.
     * @return {string} A unique identifier based on the contents of that rule.
     * @throws {Error} Invalid rule.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias computeRuleId
    that.computeRuleId = function(rule) {
        return $._.computeRuleId(rule);


     * Removes a rule.
     * @param {string} ruleId The identifier of the rule to be removed.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias removeRule
    that.removeRule = function(ruleId) {

     * Checks that a serialized token is trusted by this app.
     * The type of `tokenType` is
     *       {appPublisher: string=, appLocalName:string=, caOwner: string=,
     *        caLocalName: string=, expiresAfter: string=}
     * @param {string} tokenStr A serialized token to validate.
     * @return {tokenType|null} A parsed and validated token, or `null` if token
     *  invalid.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias verifyToken
    that.verifyToken = function(tokenStr) {
        return $._.verifyToken(tokenStr);

     * Weakens an authentication token generating one (or many) token(s).
     * type of `tokenDescriptionType` is
     *      {appPublisher: (string|null)=, appLocalName: (string|null)=,
     *       caOwner: (string|null)=, caLocalName: (string|null)=,
     *       durationInSec: number=}
     * A `null` value in the token description means force the current value.
     * An `undefined` value means remove the constraint.
     * @param {tokenType} megaToken A token that we want to restrict.
     * @param {Array.<tokenDescriptionType> |tokenDescriptionType } tokenDesc A
     * description  of the new token(s).
     * @param {cbType} cb0 A callback to return the new token(s) or an error.
     * @memberof! module:caf_security/proxy_security#
     * @alias attenuateToken
    that.attenuateToken = function(megaToken, tokenDesc, cb0) {
        $._.attenuateToken(megaToken, tokenDesc, cb0);

    return [null, that];