
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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'use strict';
const assert = /**@ignore @type {typeof import('assert')} */(require('assert'));
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const json_rpc = require('caf_transport').json_rpc;

 * Tokens are the primary mechanism to implement single sign on for all
 *  the user apps.
 * A token is used by the client to create a
 * secure channel with its corresponding CA running in the cloud.
 * We use the JSON Web Tokens (draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32) format for
 *  our tokens.
 * Not all apps are equally trusted, and we want to ensure that a rogue app
 * cannot reuse tokens in a different context.
 * We achieve that by weakening tokens with the following optional constraints:
 *  *  `appPublisher`: publisher of the app hosting CAs.
 *  *  `appLocalName`: name of the app in the `appPublisher` context.
 *  *  `caOwner`: owner name of the CA.
 *  *  `caLocalName`: name of the CA in the owner's context.
 *  *  `expiresAfter`: Expire time of token in milliseconds since midnight
 *  January 1,1970 UTC
 * Tokens form a meet semi-lattice, where a meet (`^`) operator defines a
 *  partial ordering of tokens, i.e.,:
 *                  A^B = A iff A <= B
 * and this makes it much simpler to weaken tokens.
 * In fact, in CAF if you have a valid token you can always request a weaker
 * one regardless of who you are. Providing a service to manage user tokens
 * becomes trivial.
 * The meet (^) operator is just simply set intersection for each of the
 *  constraints:
 *             a^a = a
 *             a^* = a
 *             *^b = b
 *             a^b = 'empty' when (a !== b and a !== * and b !== *)
 * and in the case of `expiresAfter`, pick the shortest deadline.
 * ACLs (Access Control Lists) are also expressed with the same semi-lattice,
 * using the meet operator for access checks:
 *         ALLOW if  ACL[i] ^ Token != empty    for some ACL[i] in ACL
 * where the result of ^ is 'empty' if any of the constraints has an
 *  'empty' set.
 * @module caf_security/tokens

const EXPIRES_AFTER = 'expiresAfter';
    'appPublisher', 'appLocalName', 'caOwner', 'caLocalName', EXPIRES_AFTER

const SIGNATURE_ALGO = 'RS256'; // RSA asymetric keys with SHA256

const meet =
 * 'Meet' (^)  operation of two tokens. Performs set intersection for each
 * constraint, and if any resulting constraint is empty it returns `null`, the
 *  empty token.
 *  A missing constraint is assumed to be `*`, i.e., all the elements in the
 *  set.
 *  Intersection of `expiresAfter` uses time intervals.
 *  There is no validation of the tokens or signing of the result.
 * @param {tokenType} t1 A token to combine with the 'meet' operator.
 * @param {tokenType} t2 A token to combine with the 'meet' operator.
 * @return {tokenType | null} Null if the resulting set is empty or an unsigned
 *  token payload with 't1^t2'.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias meet
 */ = function(t1, t2) {
    const meetOne = function(x, y, isTime) {
        if (x === undefined) {
            return y;
        } else if (y === undefined) {
            return x;
        } else if (x === y) {
            return x;
        } else {
            if (isTime) {
                return Math.min(x, y);
            } else {
                return null;

    assert.equal(typeof t1, 'object', "'t1' not an object");
    assert.equal(typeof t2, 'object', "'t2' not an object");
    if ((t1 === null) || (t2 === null)) {
        return null;

    const result = {};
    const isEmpty = CONSTRAINTS.some(function(x) {
        const m = meetOne(t1[x], t2[x], (x === EXPIRES_AFTER));
        if (m === null) {
            return true;
        } else {
            if (m !== undefined) {
                result[x] = m;
            return false;
    if (isEmpty) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return result;

const similar =
 * Deep equality of two tokens ignoring fields that are not constraints.
 * Note that `null` represents the empty token.
 * @param {tokenType} t1 A token to compare.
 * @param {tokenType} t2 A token to compare.
 * @param {boolean} ignoreExpires True if we ignore the token expire date.
 * @return {boolean} t1 similarTo t2
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias similar
exports.similar = function(t1, t2, ignoreExpires) {
    assert.equal(typeof t1, 'object', "'t1' not an object");
    assert.equal(typeof t2, 'object', "'t2' not an object");
    if ((t1 === null) || (t2 === null)) {
        return (t1 === t2);
    } else {
        return !CONSTRAINTS.some(function(x) {
            if (ignoreExpires &&
                                         (x === EXPIRES_AFTER)){
                return false;
            } else {
                return (t1[x] !== t2[x]);

 * Whether for tokens t1 and t2, t1 <= t2.
 * Note that `null` represents the empty token, and `null <= t2 for all t2`.
 * @param {tokenType} t1 A token to compare.
 * @param {tokenType} t2 A token to compare.
 * @return {boolean} t1 <= t2
 * @throws {Error} Malformed token.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias lessOrEqual
exports.lessOrEqual = function(t1, t2) {
    assert.equal(typeof t1, 'object', "'t1' not an object");
    assert.equal(typeof t2, 'object', "'t2' not an object");

    return similar(meet(t1, t2), t1);

 * Signs a token.
 * @param {tokenType} token Token to sign.
 * @param {Object} privKey Private key for signing.
 * @return {string} A serialized signed token.
 * @throws {Error}  Cannot sign.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias sign
exports.sign = function(token, privKey) {
    return jwt.sign(token, privKey, {algorithm: SIGNATURE_ALGO});

const checkToken = function(token) {
    return !CONSTRAINTS.some(function(x) {
        if (token[x] === undefined) {
            return false;
        } else if (x === EXPIRES_AFTER) {
            return !(typeof token[x] === 'number');
        } else if (typeof token[x] !== 'string') {
            return true;
        } else if (token[x].match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/) === null) {
            // ASCII lower characters and numbers only
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

const validUsername =
 *  Checks whether a username contains only valid characters (lower case letters
 * and numbers, ASCII only), and it has at least three characters.
 * @param {string} username A username to check.
 * @return {boolean} True if ok, false otherwise.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias validUsername
exports.validUsername = function(username) {
    return (typeof username === 'string') && (username.length > 2) &&
        (username.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/) !== null);

 *  Checks whether a username is an extended NOBODY user.
 *  This user can have many CAs as long as their names have only two characters.
 * @param {string} from A full name, e.g., `foo-bar`, to check.
 * @return {boolean} True if ok, false otherwise.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias validExtendedNobody
exports.validExtendedNobody = function(from) {
    try {
        const ca = json_rpc.splitName(from);
        return (ca.length === 2) &&
            (ca[0] === json_rpc.DEFAULT_FROM_USERNAME) &&
            (ca[1].length === json_rpc.ACCOUNTS_CA_LENGTH) && // avoid DoS
    } catch (err) {
        // Not properly formed name
        return false;

 * Validates a token.
 * Checks signature, expire time, and string format (ASCII alphanumeric).
 * @param {string} tokenStr A string with the encoded token.
 * @param {Object} pubKey A public key to validate the token
 * @return{tokenType} A decoded valid token.
 * @throws {Error} Token does not validate
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias validate
exports.validate = function(tokenStr, pubKey) {
    const token = /** @type tokenType*/ (jwt.verify(tokenStr, pubKey));
    if (!checkToken(token)) {
        const err = new Error('Malformed token');
        err['token'] = token;
        throw err;
    if (typeof token[EXPIRES_AFTER] === 'number') {
        if ( > token[EXPIRES_AFTER]) {
            const error = new Error('Expired token');
            error['token'] = token;
            throw error;
    return token;

 * Decode a token without doing any checks. This is sometimes useful to choose
 * a public key for validation.
 * @param {string} tokenStr A string encoding a token.
 * @return {tokenType} An untrusted token that has NOT been validated.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias decode
exports.decode = function(tokenStr) {
    return /** @type tokenType*/ (jwt.decode(tokenStr));

 * Checks whether a valid token satisfies an ACL (Access control List).
 * Inefficient with many ACLs. See {@link module:caf_security/rules} for a
 * recommended alternative.
 * @param {Array.<tokenType>| tokenType} acl An ACL formed with one or an array
 *  of constraints using a token format.
 * @param {tokenType} token A previously validated token to check 'acl'.
 * @return {boolean} True if satisfies at least one element of the ACL.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias satisfyACL
exports.satisfyACL = function(acl, token) {
    assert.equal(typeof acl, 'object', "'acl' not an object");
    assert.equal(typeof token, 'object', "'token' not an object");
    if (!Array.isArray(acl)) {
        acl = [acl];

    return acl.some(function(ac) { return (meet(ac, token) !== null); });

 * Constructor for a new token or acl element payload.
 * The type of tokenType is
 *      {appPublisher: string=, appLocalName:string=,
 *       caOwner: string=, caLocalName: string=, expiresAfter: number=}
 *  @param {string=} appPublisher Publisher of the app hosting CAs.
 * @param {string=} appLocalName Name of the app in the 'appPublisher' context.
 * @param {string=} caOwner  Owner of the CA.
 * @param {string=} caLocalName Name of the CA in the owner's context.
 * @param {number=} durationInSec Time in seconds from 'now' till token expires.
 * @return {tokenType} A token or acl element payload.
 * @throws {Error} when input is malformed.
 * @memberof! module:caf_security/tokens
 * @alias newPayload
exports.newPayload = function(appPublisher, appLocalName, caOwner, caLocalName,
                              durationInSec) {
    const result = {};

    const checkAndSetArg = function(arg, argName) {
        if (arg) {
            assert.ok(typeof arg === 'string',
                      "'" + argName + "' is not a string");
            assert.ok(arg.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/) !== null,
                      "'" + argName + "'  has invalid characters:" + arg);
            result[argName] = arg;

    checkAndSetArg(appPublisher, 'appPublisher');
    checkAndSetArg(appLocalName, 'appLocalName');
    checkAndSetArg(caOwner, 'caOwner');
    checkAndSetArg(caLocalName, 'caLocalName');

    durationInSec && assert.ok(typeof durationInSec === 'number',
                               "'durationInSec' is not a number");
    (typeof durationInSec === 'number') &&
        assert.ok(durationInSec > 0, "'durationInSec' is not positive");

    if (durationInSec) {
        result.expiresAfter = + 1000*durationInSec;

    return result;