
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';

 * Manages logical sessions/output queues for this CA.
 * It should be named `session` in `ca.json`
 * Properties:
 *        {backchannelTimeout: number, maxSessions: number, maxMessages: number}
 * * `backchannelTimeout` is a timeout in msec that resets the backchannel. It
 * is expected that the client will immediately retry.
 * * `maxSessions` is the target maximum number of open sessions. Only offline
 * sessions can be garbage collected, and this value may be exceeded.
 * * `maxMessages` is a default limit on the maximum number of pending messages
 * per queue.
 * This enables a reliable path for notifications, even when the client is
 * behind a firewall, or http proxies timeout idle connections. It also
 * helps the server to garbage collect backchannels of dead clients.
 * @module caf_session/plug_ca_session
 * @augments external:caf_components/gen_plug_ca
// @ts-ignore: augments not attached to a class
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const genPlugCA = caf_comp.gen_plug_ca;
const assert = /**@ignore @type {typeof import('assert')} */(require('assert'));
const myUtils = caf_comp.myUtils;
const json_rpc = require('caf_transport').json_rpc;
const backchannel = require('./backchannel');

exports.newInstance = async function($, spec) {
    try {
        const that = genPlugCA.create($, spec);
        $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug('New Session Manager plug');
        var sessions = {};

        assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.backchannelTimeout), 'number',
                     "'spec.env.backchannelTimeout' is not a number");
        const bcTimeout = spec.env.backchannelTimeout;

        assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.maxMessages), 'number',
                     "'spec.env.maxMessages' is not a number");
        const maxMessages = spec.env.maxMessages;

        assert.equal(typeof(spec.env.maxSessions), 'number',
                     "'spec.env.maxSessions' is not a number");
        const maxSessions = spec.env.maxSessions;

        var currentSessionId = null;

        that.getSessionId = function(optSessionId) {
            const sessionId = optSessionId || currentSessionId;
            if (!sessionId) {
                assert.ok(false, 'BUG!: no sessionID');
            return sessionId;

        that.getSession = function(optSessionId) {
            return sessions[that.getSessionId(optSessionId)];

        const gcSessions = (n) => {
            if (n > 0) {
                // do not GC active sessions, or those with custom limits
                const victims = Object.keys(sessions)
                    .filter((x) => sessions[x].messages &&
                            (sessions[x].messages.length > 0) &&
                            (sessions[x].limit === maxMessages) &&
                // pick the ones with more messages to reduce memory waste
                victims.sort((one, two) => sessions[one].messages.length -
                victims.slice(-n).forEach((x) => {
                    $._.$.log && $._.$.log.debug(`GC session ${x}`);
                    delete sessions[x];

        const instanceSession = function(optSessionId) {
            const newSession = function() {
                const extraSessions = Object.keys(sessions).length + 1 -
                (extraSessions > 0) && gcSessions(extraSessions);

                return {
                    'messages': [], // pending notifications
                    'nonce': null, // session id, refreshed with each begin()
                    'memento': null, // client info persisted with checkpoint
                    'bc': null, // backchannel
                    'limit': maxMessages // max number of pending notifications.
            var session = that.getSession(optSessionId);
            if (!session) {
                session = newSession();
                sessions[that.getSessionId(optSessionId)] = session;
            return session;

        that.getAllSessionIds = function() {
            return Object.keys(sessions);

        // transactional ops
        const target = {
            notifyImpl: function(sessionId, argsArray, cb0) {
                const session = instanceSession(sessionId);
                backchannel.notifyBackchannel(session, argsArray);
            beginImpl: function(sessionId, nonce, cb0) {
                const session = instanceSession(sessionId);
                session.nonce = nonce;
            endImpl: function(sessionId, cb0) {
                const session = instanceSession(sessionId);
                delete session.nonce;
                delete session.memento;
            rememberImpl: function(sessionId, memento, cb0) {
                const session = instanceSession(sessionId);
                session.memento = memento;
            limitQueueImpl: function(sessionId, maxMsgs, cb0) {
                const session = instanceSession(sessionId);
                session.changedLimit = true;
                backchannel.limitBackchannel(session, maxMsgs);


        that.notify = function(argsArray, optSessionId, customizerF) {
            if (optSessionId && (optSessionId instanceof RegExp)) {
                const targets = Object.keys(sessions)
                    .filter((x) => !!x.match(optSessionId));
                targets.forEach((x) => that.notify(argsArray, x, customizerF));
            } else {
                const targetSessionId = that.getSessionId(optSessionId);
                const newArgs = customizerF ?
                    customizerF(targetSessionId, argsArray) :

                    'notifyImpl', [targetSessionId, newArgs]

        that.limitQueue = function(maxMsgs, optSessionId) {
                                  [that.getSessionId(optSessionId), maxMsgs]);

        /* Session methods to help stateless clients provide exactly-once
         * request delivery.*/

        that.begin = function() {
            const sessionId = that.getSessionId();
            const memento = sessions[sessionId] && sessions[sessionId].memento;
            const result = {nonce: myUtils.uniqueId(), memento: memento};
            that.__ca_lazyApply__('beginImpl', [sessionId, result.nonce]);
            return result;

        that.end = function(nonce) {
            const sessionId = that.getSessionId();
            if (sessions[sessionId] && (sessions[sessionId].nonce === nonce)) {
                that.__ca_lazyApply__('endImpl', [sessionId]);
                return true;
            } else if (sessions[sessionId] && (!sessions[sessionId].nonce) &&
                       (!sessions[sessionId].memento)) {
                // assumed already deleted
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        that.remember = function(nonce, memento) {
            const sessionId = that.getSessionId();
            if (sessions[sessionId] && (sessions[sessionId].nonce === nonce)) {
                that.__ca_lazyApply__('rememberImpl', [sessionId, memento]);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        // pull is not transactional and can race with message processing
        that.pull = function(request, cb0) {
            const sessionId = json_rpc.getSessionId(request);
            if (sessionId) {
                                            bcTimeout, cb0);
            } else {
                const err = new Error('Error: no session ID in request.');
                err['request'] = request;


        // override gen_transactional methods
        const super__ca_init__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_init__');
        that.__ca_init__ = function(cb0) {
            sessions = {};

        const super__ca_resume__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_resume__');
        that.__ca_resume__ = function(cp, cb0) {
            sessions = cp.sessions || {};
            super__ca_resume__(cp, cb0);

        const super__ca_begin__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_begin__');
        that.__ca_begin__ = function(msg, cb0) {
            const sessionId = json_rpc.getSessionId(msg);
            if (sessionId) {
                currentSessionId = sessionId;
                // ensure it is in `sessions` to enable notify with regexp
                super__ca_begin__(msg, cb0);
            } else {
                const err = new Error('Error: no session ID in msg');
                err['msg'] = msg;

        const super__ca_prepare__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_prepare__');
        that.__ca_prepare__ = function(cb0) {
            super__ca_prepare__(function(err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    cb0(err, data);
                } else {
                    const cleanupF = function(key) {
                        return (key === 'bc');
                    data.sessions = myUtils.deepClone(sessions, cleanupF);
                    cb0(err, data);

        const super__ca_shutdown__ = myUtils.superior(that, '__ca_shutdown__');
        that.__ca_shutdown__ = function(data, cb0) {
            for (let sessionId in sessions) {
            super__ca_shutdown__(data, cb0);

        return [null, that];
    } catch (err) {
        return [err];