
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';

 * `AggregateMap` links a set of Shared Maps so that a query return the values
 * in any of them.
 * The set of maps is defined by a starting entry map and a well-known key in
 * any map that links to other  maps in the set. We compute the transitive
 * closure to find this set.
 *  The main use of AggregateMap is implementing  linked local name spaces
 * (SDSI) for authorization.
 * @module caf_sharing/AggregateMap
const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const async = caf_comp.async;

const DEFAULT_LINK_KEY = '__link_key__';

 * Constructor.
 * An object that links a set of Shared Maps. Queries return values
 * in any of them.
 * @param {string} firstMapName Starting map name.
 * @param {function(string, cbType):void} findMap A function with signature
 * `function(string, cbType):void` to return a map in the callback. The first
 * argument to `findMap` is the map name.
 * @param {string=} linkKey Optional default link key. The default is
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/AggregateMap
 * @alias AggregateMap
exports.AggregateMap = function(firstMapName, findMap, linkKey) {
    const maps = {};

    const that = {};

    linkKey = linkKey || DEFAULT_LINK_KEY;

     * Scans the linked maps to create a consistent snapshot.
     * @param {cbType} cb A callback to return a reference to the snapshot.
     * A snapshot implements a function `getAll(key:string):Array.<Object>`
     * that finds all the values for a particular key in a collection of maps.
     * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/AggregateMap#
     * @alias assemble
    that.assemble = function(cb) {
        const refThat = {};
        const refMaps = {};

         * Finds all the values for a particular key in a collection of maps.
         * @param {string} key A key to lookup.
         * @return {Array.<Object>} A collection of values (could
         * include duplicates) for that key. An empty array means no bindings.
        refThat.getAll = function(key) {
            const result = [];
            Object.keys(refMaps).forEach(function(mapName) {
                const mapRef = refMaps[mapName];
                if (mapRef.has(key)) {
            return result;

        const traverse = function(mapName, cb0) {
            const ref = refMaps[mapName];
            const all = ref.get(linkKey);
            if (Array.isArray(all)) {
      , function(x, cb1) {
                    assembleOne(x, cb1);
                }, cb0);
            } else {

        const assembleOne = function(mapName, cb0) {
            if (refMaps[mapName]) {
            } else if (maps[mapName]) {
                refMaps[mapName] = maps[mapName].ref(true);
                traverse(mapName, cb0);
            } else {
                const cb1 = function(err, map) {
                    if (err) {
                    } else {
                        /* Maps are found with a `bestEffort` strategy,
                         * and this is safe for ACLs since rules are monotonic.
                         * A log msg is created in debug mode when `replicaOf`
                         * fails.
                         * Otherwise, the CA could block forever...
                        if (map) {
                            maps[mapName] = map;
                            refMaps[mapName] = maps[mapName].ref(true);
                            traverse(mapName, cb0);
                        } else {
                findMap(mapName, cb1);

        assembleOne(firstMapName, function(err) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                cb(null, refThat);

     * Gets all the searched Shared Maps.
     * @return {Object} An object with keys the names of the linked maps, and
     * with values containing references to maps.
     * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/AggregateMap#
     * @alias getMaps
    that.getMaps = function() {
        return maps;

    return that;