
// Modifications copyright 2020 Caf.js Labs and contributors
Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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'use strict';

 * A collection of helper functions to create a reliable, unidirectional
 *  channel from `A` to `B`, using a pair of Shared Maps.
 * One Shared Map (the `writer`) is writable by `A` and readable by `B`.
 * The other one (the `reader`) is writable by `B` and readable by `A`.
 * `B` writes index numbers in its map  to
 * acknowledge messages, helping `A` to garbage collect old messages.
 * A channel is represented by an unbounded list of messages. However, only
 * those that have not been acknowledged are actually present in the Shared Map.
 * The schema is as follows:
 * In the `writer` map:
 *     {
 *         __ca_channels__ : {
 *            foo : {
 *                contents:[...],
 *                index : <number> i.e., index of first msg in `contents`
 *             }
 *         }
 *     }
 * in the `reader` map:
 *     {
 *          __ca_acks__ : {
 *            foo : <number>  (i.e., index of last processed message of 'foo')
 *          }
 *     }
 * The first message has index 0.
 * When `B` consumes all the messages, it resets the ack index to
 * `foo.index + foo.contents.length -1` .
 * When `A` garbage collects the channel, it drops all the acknowledged messages
 * by comparing `` with ``, and
 * shifting the list.
 * @module caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
const assert = /**@ignore @type {typeof import('assert')} */(require('assert'));

const caf_comp = require('caf_components');
const myUtils = caf_comp.myUtils;

const CHANNELS_KEY = '__ca_channels__';

const ACKS_KEY = '__ca_acks__';

const FIRST_INDEX = 0;

 * Invalid ack index.
 * @type number
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
exports.UNKNOWN_ACK_INDEX = -1;

const init =
 * Initializes a Shared Map containing reliable channels.
 * @param {refMapType} writerRef A reference to a writable Shared Map.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias init
exports.init = function(writerRef) {
    const channels = writerRef.get(CHANNELS_KEY);
    if (!channels) {
        writerRef.set(CHANNELS_KEY, {});
    const acks = writerRef.get(ACKS_KEY);
    if (!acks) {
        writerRef.set(ACKS_KEY, {});

 * Deletes a channel in a Shared Map.
 * @param {refMapType} writerRef A reference to a writable Shared Map.
 * @param {string} channelName The name of the channel.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias deleteChannel
exports.deleteChannel = function(writerRef, channelName) {
    const doClean = function(key) {
        const channels = writerRef.get(key);
        if (channels && channels[channelName]) {
            const newChannels = myUtils.deepClone(channels);
            delete newChannels[channelName];
            writerRef.set(key, newChannels);


 * Returns the index of the first message available in the channel.
 * @param {refMapType} writerRef A reference to a writable Shared Map.
 * @param {string} channelName The name of the channel.
 * @return {number} The index of the first message available in the channel.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias firstIndex
exports.firstIndex = function(writerRef, channelName) {
    const channels = writerRef.get(CHANNELS_KEY);
    return (channels && channels[channelName] &&
            (typeof channels[channelName].index === 'number')) ?
        channels[channelName].index :

 * Returns the index of the last ack message.
 * @param {refMapType} readerRef A reference to a writable Shared Map for
 * acks.
 * @param {string} channelName The name of the channel.
 * @return {number} The index of the last ack message.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias firstAckIndex
exports.firstAckIndex = function(readerRef, channelName) {
    const acks = readerRef.get(ACKS_KEY);
    return (acks && (typeof acks[channelName] === 'number')) ?
        acks[channelName] :

 * Lists all channel names in a Shared Map.
 * @param {refMapType} writerRef A reference to a writable Shared Map.
 * @return {Array.<string>} All the channel names.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias allChannelNames
exports.allChannelNames = function(writerRef) {
    const channels = writerRef.get(CHANNELS_KEY);
    return Object.keys(channels);

 * Sends an array of messages through a channel.
 * @param {refMapType} writerRef A writable map with messages.
 * @param {string} channelName The name of the channel.
 * @param {Array.<jsonType>} messages An array of JSON-serializable messages
 * to be sent.
 * @return {number} An index for the first message in `messages`.
 * @throws Error If `messages` is not an array or is empty.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias send
exports.send = function(writerRef, channelName, messages) {
    const channels = writerRef.get(CHANNELS_KEY);
    if (messages.length > 0) {
        const newChannels = myUtils.deepClone(channels);
        let chan = newChannels[channelName];
        if (!chan) {
            chan = {contents: [], index: FIRST_INDEX};
            newChannels[channelName] = chan;
        const msgIndex = chan.index + chan.contents.length;
        chan.contents = chan.contents.concat(messages);
        writerRef.set(CHANNELS_KEY, newChannels);
        return msgIndex;

 * Garbage collects acknowledged messages.
 * @param {refMapType} writerRef A writable map with messages.
 * @param {refMapType} readerRef A read-only map with ack counters.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias gc
exports.gc = function(writerRef, readerRef) {
    const channels = writerRef.get(CHANNELS_KEY);
    const acks = readerRef.get(ACKS_KEY);
    const newChannels = myUtils.deepClone(channels);
    var changed = false;
    if (acks) {
        Object.keys(acks).forEach(function(key) {
            const chan = newChannels[key];
            if (chan) {
                const nSeen = acks[key] - chan.index + 1;
                if ((chan.contents.length > 0) && (nSeen > 0)) {
                    changed = true;
                    assert(nSeen <= chan.contents.length);
                    chan.index = chan.index + nSeen;
                    chan.contents = chan.contents.slice(nSeen);

    if (changed) {
        writerRef.set(CHANNELS_KEY, newChannels);

 * Receives messages and updates ack counters accordingly. This operation is
 * not idempotent, already acknowledged messages are ignored.
 *  The return type 'messagesType' is:
 *       {index: number, messages: Array.<jsonType>}
 *  where the `index` field corresponds to the first message in `messages` or
 * UNKNOWN_ACK_INDEX if no messages.
 * @param {refMapType} writerRef A writable map ack counters.
 * @param {refMapType} readerRef A read-only map with messages.
 * @param {string} channelName The name of the channel to receive messages from.
 * @return {messagesType} Messages received in the channel that have not been
 * acknowledged previously.
 * @memberof! module:caf_sharing/ReliableChannel
 * @alias receive
exports.receive = function(writerRef, readerRef, channelName) {
    const result = {index: UNKNOWN_ACK_INDEX, messages: []};
    const channels = readerRef.get(CHANNELS_KEY);
    if (channels) {
        const chan = channels[channelName];
        const acks = writerRef.get(ACKS_KEY);
        let firstAckIndex;
        firstAckIndex = typeof acks[channelName] === 'number' ?
            acks[channelName] :

        if (chan && (chan.contents.length > 0)) {
            const nAlreadySeen = firstAckIndex - chan.index + 1;
            assert(nAlreadySeen >= 0);
            if (chan.contents.length - nAlreadySeen > 0) {
                result.index = firstAckIndex + 1;
                result.messages = chan.contents.slice(nAlreadySeen);
                const newAcks = myUtils.deepClone(acks);
                newAcks[channelName] = chan.contents.length + chan.index - 1;
                writerRef.set(ACKS_KEY, newAcks);

    return result;